Chapter 20: Starting a Lazy Life

Can you imagine what it felt like to be poured with cold water at minus 70 degrees Celsius?

Jack held a large water pipe and poured it towards the lackeys outside the door.

There was a temperature difference of about 100 degrees between indoors and outdoors.

So when the water flowed out, it still emitted heat, but after falling on those people, it quickly froze! They were all wearing down jackets and sweaters in the cold weather.

Cold water soaked their entire bodies, instantly making them feel like they were being placed in an ice cellar.

"Lying down! It's so cold, I'm freezing to death!"

"Ah ah, stop watering, stop watering!"

At such times, they would rather be beaten hard than endure the torture of freezing.

One by one, their lips turned purple from the cold, and some even went into shock on the spot due to excessive low temperatures.

By instinct, they quickly ran away from Jack's home.

But in just a few seconds, it was enough to make their entire bodies wet.

They didn't even have time to take the elevator to escape, and their clothes were already stiff from the cold.

Jack watched as they all ran away before turning off the faucet.

He had planned to use a crossbow to teach these people a lesson just now.

However, the loading speed was too slow and there was a possibility of being counterattacked by the opponent through the shooting hole.

On the contrary, this type of flood irrigation had a better effect.

After Jack poured a deep chill on those lackeys, they were all frozen to the point where their lips turned purple. They quickly ran back to David's house.

David couldn't help but be furious when he saw them returning in a disheveled state.

"What about that rubbish? Have you brought him back yet. "

And those lackeys were frantically searching for blankets and sheets to keep warm. Their clothes were soaked through and all frozen to ice.

However, due to the large number of people and insufficient distribution of things, the few lackeys had no choice but to take off their clothes and hug each other for warmth.

That scene was somewhat peculiar.

This made David so angry that he slammed the table and cursed, "Who will explain to me what's going on?"

A younger one regained some body temperature before trembling and explaining the whole story to David.

"That Jack is so despicable; he even used a water pipe to tease us. We can't stand it at all!"

"I don't know how thick their door is, we smashed it for a while and only a little paint fell off."

After listening, David frowned deeply.

When he smashed the door on his own, he did feel that the door of Jack's house was very thick.

It seemed difficult to make a strong attack.

But soon, he sneered.

"It's okay, even if his family is an iron castle, there will always be flaws."

"And I don't believe he can stay at home for a lifetime without coming out!"

"You are guarding nearby. As soon as he goes out, I'll kill him right away!"

David said fiercely.

His lackeys were also fugitives, and upon hearing this, they trembled and sneered coldly. Although they had frozen into dogs one by one, they still had to show off their ferocity.

However, they never expected that Jack had no intention of leaving home at all.

Outside was hell, but his room was heaven.

How can there be a reason to go from heaven to hell?

After tidying up David and others, Jack continued to go back and play his game.

Although he knew these guys wouldn't give up easily, they didn't have the ability to break into his home. As for going out?

Hehe, Jack would never make this choice if he were dead!

Even if there was only one in ten thousand risks, he will not take them.

Living comfortably at home, wasn't it fragrant?

Before long, Jack came to the french window to check the scene outside.

There were really people carrying tools to sweep the snow.

He seemed to have seen the security guard, a straightforward and enthusiastic veteran who always rushed forward first when faced with something.

The downstairs were all young people in the homeowner group who were easy to talk to.

But Aunt Anne and other members of the neighborhood committee did not see a trace.

Faced with a thick layer of snow two or three meters high, they struggled to dig.

However, Jack knew that doing so was completely futile.

Not to mention anything else, it taken a whole day to dig a road from downstairs to reach the entrance of the community.

But what if we dug through it?

The roads outside were also completely covered.

Such thick snow can only be slowly cleared by professional level large snow sweepers.

But in the south, there were no such professional vehicles at all.

Going out had become an impossible thing.

Moreover, the weather of minus 70 degrees Celsius made it impossible for them to persist for long.

Cold protection equipment cannot keep up, and physical fitness cannot adapt to this low temperature.

If you stayed outside for half an hour continuously, there was a risk of frostbite.

Jack shook his head.

These honest people were indeed quite pitiful.

However, Jack was too lazy to say anything about other people's own choices.

After all, now there was nothing to do with him, he just wanted to live well. Time had arrived in the afternoon.

Jack felt a bit hungry, so he took out a big meal from a different space.

The food was simple, just a plate of Australian dragon, a Wellington steak, two baked cakes in griddle and a bottle of coke. There were plenty of such delicacies in his space.

Now that he stayed at home every day, Jack's daily routine had become more free.

In short, it's just sleeping when you're tired, eating when you're hungry, and there's no need to distinguish between day and night.

The heavy snow outside the window was still falling non-stop.

Jack took a moment to take a look under the unit building in the community.

Those snow sweepers had all gone back.

And after much effort, the empty land they cleared was soon covered by heavy snow.

Jack was lying on the sofa wearing autumn clothes, and the temperature inside the room was 27 ° C, comfortable and pleasant.

Perhaps they also realized that they could not resist nature solely through their power.

He turned on the TV and watched the programs inside.

Nowadays, many television stations across the country had directly ceased broadcasting, and only some provincial channels were still broadcasting.

Among them, there were some official propaganda work and slogans to encourage everyone.

"At this moment, our gaze turned to government. The official was strategizing and commanding us to launch a final attack against the snow disaster!"

"According to reports, due to inadequate snow disaster prevention and control, it has caused 200 million people to be affected and tens of millions to die!"

"The development of snow disasters in our country is within a controllable range, and everything is improving."

"I hope everyone doesn't panic and believe in the official power!"

Jack shook his head.

The magnitude and terror of this snow disaster were unimaginable to humanity.

Although the authorities were working hard to solve the problem, human power was too weak in the face of nature.