Chapter 21 Two angelic bitches

Among the homeowners, one can still see Aunt Anne chattering incessantly.

"Have you all seen the news? Our country has the strength and can fully cope with this snow disaster!"

"Don't be nervous, everything will be solved easily."

"Well, if anyone's family needs supplies, everyone who is capable should try their best to help. After all, this snow disaster will pass soon, so there is no need to hoard goods."

However, there were very few people who replied to her.

Obviously, it had been two days and there were no signs of the snow disaster ending, causing many people to start worrying.

Jenny sent another message to Jack.

"Jack, are you okay?"

Jack raised his eyebrows, and Jenny probably felt that he had been cleaned up by David.

However, he doesn't think that Jenny was out of kindness.

"I'm fine."

"Oh, that's good."

Jenny's heart was actually a bit disappointed.

But soon, she said, "We ran out of food at home. I remember you bought a lot of things. Can you give me some?"

"When you come back, I will treat you to dinner."

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Jack's mouth.

Sure enough, this woman must have a purpose in finding herself.

He remembered the last time he went to the supermarket to buy something, Jenny and Rose also bought some by the way.

Although not as much as he bought, it's not like she can't hold on for two days.

"Oh, what you said was a long time ago. I didn't leave those things at home, and in fact, I don't have much at home either."

Jenny still refused to give up.

"Can you give me a few bags of instant noodles? You're in charge of the warehouse, so we can get some food at home."

Jack was very angry.

"I really don't have instant noodles anymore. Look, I can only eat these on a regular basis."

He took a photo of the Australian dragon and steak on the table and sent it to Jenny.

Jenny over there saw this photo and her eyebrows stood up in anger.

"Damn Jack, what do you mean? Are you deliberately angering me?"

On the side, her best friend Rose poked her head out of bed.

Because it was too cold, the two of them slept on the same bed.

As soon as she saw the delicious food in the photo, Rose's eyes lit up with envy! These little fairies didn't know how to cook on weekdays. They were all ordering takeout or having men treat them to meals.

These days, the heavy snow had sealed the city, which had left them both starving.

I can only eat some instant noodles and canned food that I didn't usually like.

Seeing that Jack could still eat Australian dragon and steak, the two women were both angry and envious in their hearts.

Angry, it's because Jack eats alone and doesn't want to bring them some!

Rose immediately said sourly, "Wow, this Jack is too much! There are so many delicious things at home that he didn't even think of you!"

"Unfortunately, he used to always say he liked you. Hmph, I see he's just being insincere!"

Jenny was also very unhappy in her heart.

This was not the first time Jack had sent her a photo.

She also knew that Jack was intentionally stimulating her.

However, she believed that Jack still liked her, but was willing to use this method in exchange for her compromise.

"Hmph, stupid! It's just a little bit of food. Do you want me to be your girlfriend?"

"Jack, you are so naive!"

Jenny's mouth was disdainful.

As a proud fisherwoman, she naturally needed to maintain her noble image.

However, looking at the photo sent by Jack, the longing in her eyes was so indescribable.

Rose naturally also knew her well.

So she said, "Jenny, why don't you tell Jack that you can have dinner with him? But he needs to provide the food!"

"In this way, you can not only save your face, but also enjoy delicious Australian sausages and steak."

"I believe he will be excited and agree immediately!"

Jenny frowned and thought for a moment.

Jack was just a high-level spare tire in her heart.

Although she was very handsome and had some wealth, there was still a big gap from her ideal of being rich and handsome.

It was absolutely impossible for her to bow her head in normal times.

But now She can't stand eating instant noodles and canned food every day.

"Then given him a chance to eat with her. "

Jenny pursed her lips and said somewhat reluctantly.

She picked up her phone and sent a message to Jack.

"Jack, it's been a long time since we last got together. How about coming to our house tonight to have a meal together?"

Jack laughed when he saw the news.

"Do you want to treat me to dinner? Alright, thank you then!"

This sentence made Jenny's face turn pale with anger on the other end of the phone.

But it's also possible that it's frozen.

She angrily said to Rose, "This Jack is really ungrateful! I gave him a chance to treat me to dinner, but he actually asked me to treat him!"

Rose was stunned for a moment.

She seemed to have never expected that Jack, who had been pursuing Jenny in the past, would suddenly become so immature.

Strange, did licking dogs still have a day of enlightenment?

Jenny had already angrily thrown her phone aside.

She exclaimed angrily, "This Jack, I originally planned to keep him as my spare tire. Now he has to be in a row behind me!"!

"I'm really angry this time!"

"From now on, I will never say a word to him again. It won't be useful for him to come over and beg me then!"

Although Rose was greedy, she also added fuel to the side.

"Just don't look at his own grisly appearance!"

"He wanst to chase you, but he's still so stingy. This kind of man deserves to be single for a lifetime!"

The two of them continued to curse at Jack for a while.

During this period, Jenny picked up her phone and thought that Jack would send a message to apologize.

But Jack didn't send any news, which made her face gloomy with anger.

Rose had a twisted mind.

She secretly sent a message to Jack.

"Jack, why are you so stupid! Now Jenny is not happy, do you know how serious the problem is?" Jack took a habitual look after receiving the message.

For him now, reading messages from various chat groups had become a way to have fun.

What else can be more exciting than human nature in the apocalypse?

Upon discovering that it was a message from Rose, Jack glanced at it and immediately chuckled.

" Carrot and stick, right? There are really many scenes between you two!"

Jack had already seen through the combination of angelic bitches.

Usually, Rose's actions were to help Jenny cooperate.

Because Jenny needed to maintain the image of a pure goddess.

So asking for gifts and implying that men help Jenny spend money were all things that Rose said.