Chapter 22: Spare tire is still usefulc

Jack pretended to be confused and said, "What's wrong? I didn't do anything bad either!"

Rose said, "Are you stupid? Now that the city is under heavy snow, our family has eaten almost everything."

"Don't you just want to express your loyalty to Jenny by sending some delicious food over at this time?"

"If I were you, I would bring over all the good things at home such as steak and lobster."

"When Jenny are moved, won't your chances be great?"

Jack looked at the message sent by Rose and could already imagine the greedy appearance at this moment.

He sneered incessantly.

What was the difference between this behavior and begging for food?

But what's ridiculous was that if you ask for food, just asked for it and put on a look of charity.

It's like Jack giving them food, but instead they gave Jack a chance.

This kind of ways really made Jack want to slap them hard!


Jack decided to play a good trick on these two angelic bitches.

He said, "But I don't have much food at home either! It's just enough for me to eat."

Rose frowned and immediately criticized, "You're confused! The snow disaster can last for a few days. You can endure hunger for two meals and then deceive Jenny into making a big profit, won't you?""

"You can't even bear to part with such a little thing. I see you don't really mean it to our Jenny!"

Jack's smile grew even stronger.

These two women, CARROT AND STICK, had figured out how to play with him.

Unfortunately, Jack was reborn and had already seen through their shameless faces.

Facing Rose's tricks, he simply replied with a faint "oh" and then threw his phone aside, ignoring her.

Rose was furious when she saw the word "oh".

"Oh? What do you mean by 'oh'?"

"I've been telling you for a while, is that all you have?"

"Hurry up and send me the food! I also want steak and Australian lobster!"

Rose was a foodie. She hadn't much good food these past few days, and seeing Jack eating a big meal had made her mouth water.

She originally intended to use Jenny's name to trick Jack into delivering all the delicious food to her.

But the development of the matter was completely opposite to her expectations.

That "oh" almost broke her defense!

Can you say... he's not interested in Jenny anymore?

No, no, no, absolutely impossible!

Rose recalled the hospitality of Jack towards Jenny over the past few years and immediately shook her head.

"He must have just had a momentary brain twitch!"

Rose felt angry in her heart, so she approached Jenny and added fuel and to her words.

Of course, she told Jenny that she was looking for Jack to help her collect supplies.

Jenny had a cold face and said coldly, "Hmph, who is Jack? Do I know him? Don't mention him in front of me in the future!"

Now if Jack wanted to be her licking dog again, he must apologize well for what happened in the past few days, and then spend a huge cost to beg her forgiveness before it is possible.

Rose poked Jenny and said, "This Jack is not enlightened. Don't you have any other licking dogs?"

There were many colleagues working in the warehouse in their community.

Among them were other suitors of Jenny, such as Peng, who licked her the most fiercely.

Jenny naturally knew who Rose was referring to.

She pouted disdainfully, Peng couldn't even count her spare tire.

Although he used to work at Mart, Peng didn't even have a house in T City, and he still rented a house.

Jenny just took advantage of him and had no good impression of him.

Rose advised, "It's so cold outside now and the snow is falling so heavily. We can't go out and buy things. Why don't we use him first and let him help us with things?""

Jenny's eyes wandered for a moment, feeling that what Rose said was indeed reasonable.

So she sent a message to Peng.

Unexpectedly, in less than five minutes, Peng ran over and even brought a backpack of food.

After all, he worked in the warehouse of Mart, and he would take home some discounted goods on weekdays.

So naturally, there would be some inventory at home.

With just one sentence from Jenny, Peng picked out something good and brought it to her with full of enthusiasm.

And Peng also patted his chest, promising, "Jenny, what do you want me to do with just one sentence? You know, for your sake, I can do anything."

Jenny gave Peng a rare smile.

"Thank you, Peng! You're so kind."

A few sweet words sent Peng away.

Then he returned to the room and immediately changed his face.

"XXXX, do you dare to have any thoughts about me like that? May live in the next life!"

The atmosphere inside the entire building had gradually become unusual.

Extremely low temperature, even if the air conditioning was constantly on, the temperature inside the house was below zero.

This made it difficult for people of T City to adapt.

And they didn't have the habit of hoarding supplies. The two-day ice freeze had already bottomed out the refrigerators in each household.

Although Aunt Anne was still preaching that it's okay, the snow disaster would soon pass.

But everyone had their own concerns in their hearts.

However, Jack saw all of this and felt very happy in his heart.

At the end of the day, all his preparations were extremely adequate, and the days were actually more comfortable than before the end came. He was like an outsider, quietly watching the big show outside.

After being taught a lesson by Jack, David and his younger brother have temporarily stopped coming to trouble Jack. They also knew that Jack's home was difficult to break through.

Moreover, one of David's legs was basically disabled. If he cannot go to the hospital, he would become permanently disabled in just a few days.

As for the other lackeys, after being drenched in water all over their bodies, they all fell into a state of cold and fever.

Without heating methods, they drag their sick bodies and probably did not die from food shortages, but rather died from high fever first.

Jack was at home and had been passing the time by playing games and watching chat groups.

When he's free, he also did some fitness exercises.

Anyway, there were many fitness equipment at home, all of which were international brands.

Or, take a look at the various professional books he had downloaded from the internet.

Be prepared and mastered this professional knowledge. If you didn't need them in the future, it's best. In case of an emergency, it might be able to save your life.

There was heavy snow outside, and the sky was shrouded in clouds, making it difficult to distinguish between day and night.

On the morning of the third day, Jack got up from bed and hugged a delicious roast duck while looking at the clock.

"It's almost time, and the show is about to begin."

Jack said lightly.

And at this moment, the chat group was completely overwhelmed!