Chapter 28: A pack of instant noodles costs 2000 Dollars!

Aunt Anne was robbed of household supplies by David, and she and her grandson were also beaten up. The old lady held on for a breath, but she was still able to move around.

But her grandson was kicked hard in the stomach by the lackey under David's command!

A six-year-old child couldn't bear being kicked like this, and his internal organs had problems.

In despair, she could only seek help from the homeowners, hoping that someone could help save her grandson.

However, due to her previous scam of obtaining supplies, everyone was particularly disgusted with her and no one was willing to help her.

"Wuwuwu, I know I did something wrong before. But my grandson is innocent!"

"He's still a child, please help him!"

Aunt Anne burst into tears in the group, her voice filled with despair.

But no one sympathized with her among the homeowners.

On the contrary, some people started to mock.

"Who knows if this is true or false again."

"Yeah, right, by the way, we're not doctors, we don't have the ability to help you."

"If it weren't for you deceiving others with supplies first, would David hit your grandson? After all, it was you who brought it up."

At this moment, a woman named Milly sent a message.

Aunt Anne cried uncontrollably and said, "It's all my fault to do anything wrong. As long as you can save my grandson, I can kowtow to you all!"

"Let me show the child! But I cannot guarantee that he will be cured."

Upon seeing the news of Milly, Jack immediately remembered the image of a tall and proud senior lady with a long ponytail.

Milly was a doctor at the Hospital of T City.

In her previous life, she used her medical knowledge to treat many people.

She was one of the few good people among the neighbors.

She was usually a bit aloof and didn't like to talk in the homeowner group.

This time, seeing that the child was in danger, she stood up and spoke out.

At this moment, Aunt Anne remembered that there was another doctor in the community and quickly sent the child over with great gratitude.

After half an hour, Aunt Anne's anxious voice rang out again in the group.

"Who has hemostatic drugs, anti-shock drugs, and antibiotics at home?"

"My grandson needs surgery, please help me! I kowtowed to you!"

The grandson was seriously injured, and that kick caused his liver to rupture.

Although Milly was a doctor, she didn't have as many medications at home.

The homeowners laughed and remained silent when they heard Aunt Anne's plea for help.

Just kidding, no one would have these medications at home!

David was still making sarcastic remarks in the group.

"How to kowtow? Are you kowtowing in the group "

A burst of "hahaha" laughter erupted from below.

Aunt Anne 's voice was filled with tears, "As long as you can help, I'll knock now!"

Jack raised his eyebrows.

Not to mention, these drugs were all present in his abnormal space.

However, he would never take it out to save the grandson.

In the post-apocalyptic era, drugs were just as important as food, and he didn't want to expose them.

Secondly, he really hated Aunt Anne and that spoiled child.

Besides, even if the grandson managed to save himself from such a serious injury, he couldn't endure the long cold winter.

Why didn't you keep these medications and use them yourself.

No matter how Aunt Anne pleaded in the group afterwards, no one stood up to help her.

A long time later, Dr. Milly finally posted a message in the group.

She said she could temporarily help the grandson stop the injury, but it was only an emergency treatment and cannot last long.

Afterwards, the child must go to the hospital for surgery to survive.

She also said that if others encountered an emergency, she can help with treatment.

Soon there would be a glorification below.

Even David and the wealthy second-generation Beck warmly praised Milly's kindness as a doctor.

In the past, everyone was not very fond of this high cold female doctor.

But at this time, everyone was afraid of death, so they were all working hard to please Milly.

Jack still didn't speak in the chat group, just quietly observing the changes in the situation.

In the past few days, Jenny had not contacted him again.

Jack was also happy to be idle, but he knew that this woman would definitely come to beg him soon.

She did not look for him now, she just wanted to maintain her pitiful vanity. She had always thought of herself as a superior woman and wouldn't take the initiative to bow down to men. Of course, except for the wealthy.

But what about the future?

The heavy snow was still falling, and the entire first floor was completely submerged.

Now let alone leave the community, even if you wanted to leave the entrance of the community, you had to face four or five meters of snow.

The depletion of resources was inevitable.

At that time, with this temperament, she would definitely come to ask Jack for it.

A week had passed since the end of the world began.

Seven days might not be long, but for a group of people who endured the harsh cold and can only curl up at home every day, it was even longer than seven years!

From the beginning, their hearts were still filled with hope.

Until now, almost everyone had realized reality.

The possibility of waiting for rescue at home was already very slim.

Because they had learned through the internet that the world had encountered a once-in-a-lifetime major snow disaster!

The whole world had been submerged by blizzards, and even in some cities in the north, temperatures had reached over minus 100 degrees Celsius. The blizzards had hit even harder, and many cities had been directly submerged!

Although the official was still encouraging everyone to unite and help each other through a few channels, to live a good life.

But looking at the frozen city outside, everyone's heart sank completely.

Due to the scarcity of resources, the problems had become increasingly acute.

Aunt Anne 's family's food was all looted by David, and her grandson lay on the bed on the brink of death, causing her to fall into a state of madness.

Crazy shouting in the group all day, claiming that she was the leader of the neighborhood committee and demanding that everyone must hand over all the supplies to her!

But now, everyone had also learned to be smart, and there was no one to praise her at all.

In the homeowner group, Aunt Mei, who lived on the 12th floor, suddenly sent a message.

"Does anyone have anything else to eat at home? My child and I haven't eaten for two days. I... I can buy it at a high price!"

This news had caused subtle changes within the homeowner group.

In the past, everyone thought that the disaster would soon pass and the city would also be unsealed.

So, although there was food trading, the price was only a few times higher than usual.

But nowadays, more and more people were running out of supplies in their homes.

At this time, food was life and hope for survival!

Not long after, someone suddenly said, "I still have a few bags of instant noodles at home, and I can sell them to you if you need them. However, I want 1000 dollars for one bag!" A bag of instant noodles costed 1000 Dollars!

This was something unimaginable in the past.

They might not have imagined how much impact this transaction would have on the entire owner building.

Jack lifted his chin and looked at his phone, saying calmly, "Wonderful things are about to begin."

Mei didn't reply, obviously still hesitating.

At least for now, people still holden a glimmer of hope that the snow disaster would pass.

At that time, people would still have to live and earn money.

At this moment, the wealthy second-generation Beck, who had not spoken in the group for a long time, suddenly appeared.

"I'll give you 2000 dollars per pack! How much do you have, I'll take it all. "