Chapter 29, Day 10

The words of Beck, the second generation of wealthy people, directly caused a stir in the entire chat group!

"What? A bag of instant noodles costs 2000 dollars? Did I hear it right?"

"Hey, don't push up prices like this! I'm a bit scared now."

Some people trembled and said, "The snow disaster will definitely pass, right? There's really no need for this."

He spoke a voice, but his trembling tone already indicated his inner turmoil.

People had not completely given up hope. Every morning when they opened their eyes, they longed to see the snow stop, the sun risen, and returned to normal life.

But the incident of Mei and the wealthy second-generation Beck purchasing food at a high price deeply touched the already fragile string in their hearts. Someone pretended to be calm and said, "Don't joke, a bag of instant noodles costs 2000 dollars? I really thought the end of the world was coming, hahaha!" "It's just that it's snowing a bit harder. This winter has arrived earlier this year! It's not like zombies are besieging the city, as for that!"

Jack smiled lightly and shook his head when he saw the news.

Were zombies besieging the city?

Didn't compare that low-end thing to this icy end.

Although zombies were terrifying, they were still something that humans can resist.

However, in the face of natural disasters, tiny humans were as fragile as insects in the face of the power of the universe.

They still didn't know what a terrible disaster they were facing.

Beck arrogantly said in the group, "Don't worry about so much! Anyway, I just have money. Can I spend money to buy a peace of mind? If you want to sell, just message me privately, and if you don't want to, pull me down!"

Beck pretended to be indifferent.

But Jack had already noticed that his indifference was just a disguise, in fact, he had already started to be afraid.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have offered a pack of instant noodles for a sky-high price of 2000 dollars!

This matter was not difficult to think about.

Although Beck was very wealthy, with a net worth of several hundred million.

But in the current apocalypse, he can't even order a takeout, let alone enjoy the life of the wealthy with ease.

Rich people might not be kind, but they were definitely not stupid.

Realizing the severity of the crisis, Beck began to purchase goods from his neighbors at high prices.

Mei exclaimed excitedly, "How could you do this? Our family has run out of food to eat, buying food is life-saving."

Beck said, "I didn't compete with you, it's just that I offered a higher price. It's their freedom to sell anyone they want. Can you control it?"?

Mei saw Beck not care for her, so she cried in the group and said, "Please help us. My daughter is only nine months old. I don't have anything to eat, so I don't have any milk for her. We both will starve to death!"

Within the homeowner group, there was silence regarding Mei's words.

At this moment, the selfish side of human nature was fully displayed.

Beck was asking for 2000 dollars per pack of instant noodles!

The price that gave Mei was only half of his price.

The average salary per person in T City was only 5000 dollars.

Who was willing to sell you their hard-earned supplies at a low price?

Many people had already privately chatted with Beck and started talking about transactions.

Mei seemed to realize what had happened and continued to cry in the group, asking everyone to help her.

But still no one spoke up, not even a comforter.

After all, if you opened your mouth, Mei might feel that your heart was soft and then bit you hard!

This helpless mother cried out in agony.

She was taking care of her nine-month-old child, and now it was difficult for her to take care of herself, not to mention having a completely helpless baby. In Jack's mind, memories of Mei from a previous life came to mind.

He didn't have a deep impression of Mei because this woman had always been portrayed as a weak and delicate mother.

Relying on this to gain sympathy and exchange resources to survive.

However, one thing was quite bizarre.

In Jack's memory, she and her daughter lived well until later.

Thinking of this, a hint of brilliance flashed in Jack's eyes.

This woman was definitely not as simple as she looks.

After his own death, she probably got a share of the pie.

Jack understood that the heart of the Virgin Mary was the biggest factor of death in the apocalypse.

So, he remained silent and chose to watch Mei coldly.

There were too many people dying in the apocalypse, and he just wanted to take care of himself. As for the others, if they died, they would also die.

However, Mei's crying finally played a role.

The security guard was soft hearted and eventually agreed to share some food with her.

Mei was extremely grateful to the security guard, claiming that she would never forget his kindness throughout her life.

Through monitoring, Jack discovered that Beck relied on his money ability to ultimately buy supplies from many neighbors.

The quantity was not too much, but it's enough for him and his girlfriend to survive for a few weeks.

Jack sneered, "This is the last remaining heat that money can unleash in the apocalypse."

It wouldn't be long before people realize that money had turned into waste paper as resources run out, and resources were the absolute way!

At that time, he didn't know how many people would regret their behavior of selling goods.

It had to be said that Beck did make a bad start among the homeowners.

Moreover, due to the fact that many owners of the 25-unit buildings in the entire community were friends and colleagues.

Beck's heavy investment in purchasing materials had affected everyone around him.

After he set a high price for the supplies with real gold and silver, everyone realized how scarce the supplies were now! Everyone tightened their grip on the supplies in their hands even more nervously.

At the beginning of the snow disaster, some people would kindly share and exchange some supplies with their neighbors.

But now, they had become even more stingy than Grandet.

Even if they encounter food borrowed from their best friend, they would use various excuses to refuse.

The end of the cold ice was approaching, on the tenth day.

At this moment, Jenny and Rose were at home.

The supplies had almost been consumed.

The two people who originally had a tricky taste and liked to eat high-level food can now argue over a bag of instant noodles.

The food we bought at home before, as well as the food sent by our licking dog Peng, were now very scarce.

According to the current situation, if they continued for at most another week, they would starve to death!

Two people were sitting on the sofa wrapped in blankets, with pale faces and a pack of unpacked compressed biscuits on the coffee table in front of them.

Rose glanced at the compressed biscuits and then the other party, Jenny, said, "Jenny, this is our last pack of compressed biscuits."

Jenny's eyes were full of pain.

In the past, this rough and tough food would not even allow it to enter her delicate throat.

But now, she can eat clean everything, even the debris that fallen on the ground was reluctant to throw it away, she must pick it up and eat it.