Chapter 30 High quality spare tire

Rose continued, "There are still five bags of plain noodles and three bags of instant noodles. There is half a bottle of thick chilli sauce in the kitchen, but pizzas and noodles have already run out."

Jenny covered her head in pain.

" Noodles, noodles! That thing can't be eaten at all!"

Rose stared at her intently and said, "Jenny, the situation outside is very wrong now. Do you think this heavy snow will never stop?"

Jenny was stunned for a moment, then turned her head in a daze and looked out the window.

Through the glass that had already formed ice, one can vaguely see the snowflakes falling incessantly from the sky.

Ten days had passed, and this snow had been falling for a whole ten days without stopping for a moment.

The second floor had been completely submerged, making it impossible to go out.

And the distant streets were silent, with no official snow sweepers moving.

Jenny's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, filled with immense despair.

She didn't know how long this snow disaster would last.

Or, would it ever end?

Jenny covered her eyes and wept in pain, saying, "Rose, what should we do? If this continues, we will starve to death." Rose gritted her teeth and asked, "Is there any food left for Peng?"

Jenny shook her head and said, "I have asked him a few times and even pretended to be friends with him. But he has really been squeezed dry by me, not a drop left.".

"Last time he brought me two bags of instant noodles, that was his last meal. He's now as thin as a zombie, so he definitely won't have anything to eat." Rose clenched her fist unwillingly and said, "So, can anyone else give it a try?"

"You see, we are so beautiful. As long as we make a slight move, there will definitely be a man willing to be attracted to us!"

Jenny glanced at her and said with some dissatisfaction, "Are you stupid? "Nowadays, everyone treats materials like their lives."

"Even if they are tempted by us, they cannot easily give us the supplies."

"Plus, the weather is so cold, even if we drop them off for free, they may feel powerless."

At this point, Jenny's eyes flashed with a hint of pain.

Rose didn't know that Jenny had actually tried this method a long time ago.

Attempting to use one's beauty to exchange goods with men.

As a result, her vision was too high.

She also demanded that the other party be 1.9meters tall, and earned 50000 dollars per month before she was willing to applaud for his love.

As a result, even the sixty-year-old neighbor said, "You came too late. If you had come half a month earlier." Rose bit her lips tightly and was also very afraid in her heart.

As a woman with a slight beauty, she had planned to use her beauty as a last resort for survival.

But temperature was obviously an excellent remedy for abstinence.

Suddenly, a shadow of a man came to her mind.

She said to Jenny, "By the way, Jenny. Did you forget that you still have a licking dog?"

Of course, Jenny knew who Rose was referring to.

She pursed her lips and said stubbornly, "Hmph, that stinky man, unless he comes over to kowtow and beg me to forgive him, I will definitely not take the initiative to find him!""

She had approached Jack several times before, with the aim of giving him an opportunity to come and deliver supplies to please her.

But Jack's attitude towards her was too cold, and he even sent photos intentionally to stimulate her.

This made Jenny very angry and swore to have Jack come over and lick her feet.

If I proactively contacted the other party now, wouldn't it ruin my image as a cold and aloof goddess?

No, this was absolutely not allowed for Jenny!

The image had been destroyed, how can I find the wealthy second-generation in the future?

Rose said, "Have you forgotten that Jack's family had hoarded a lot of food before? Even if it's been a month, it's still better than ordinary families."

"As long as you come to find him, he will definitely agree to deliver the food to you immediately."

When Jenny heard the food, her heart was also moved.

However, she hesitated and said, "But when I tried to find him before, he was so cold."

Rose said, "You're stupid! He must feel like he doesn't deserve you, so he wants to give up. After all, a while ago, you were also quite indifferent to him."

Jenny immediately became excited.

"That's not all he brought for himself! He's just a middle-class person, pretending to be a wealthy second-generation, causing me to waste so much emotion in vain!"

Rose smiled and said, "But he can also be considered a high-quality spare tire now! Isn't the function of a spare tire to be used when needed?"

"Give him a little smile to ignite the flame of hope in his heart. Then he would let you do whatever you want?"