Chapter 31 Jack's Family is Too Rich, others with Greed

After listening to Rose's advice, Jenny believed it was quite reasonable.

The most important reason was that she was too hungry now.

At the thought of the pictures Jack sent her before, the steaks, dragons and Dim sum fruits, Jenny's mouth exuded saliva. All the reserved thoughts can be temporarily let go for that one bite.

So she took out her phone, found Jack's Facebook, and tried to send a voice message in a gentle tone.

Jack was at home, sitting on the sofa watching TV programs.

Nowadays, major television stations around the world had basically ceased broadcasting, but he had already downloaded many classic film and television programs and variety shows.

For the convenience of passing this long and boring time.


The phone rang.

Jack took it over and found that it was Jenny.

A playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This woman, that little bit of pitiful pride, finally can't hold on anymore.

He clicked on the voice and immediately heard Jenny's trembling clip sound.

"Hmph, Jack, you haven't talked to me for so many days, you're really naughty!"

"Didn't I just say a few words to you a few days ago? Actually, I regretted it at that time!"

"But I am a girl, so I'm embarrassed to speak up first. You don't know how to feel for me at all!"

Jenny had a good way of acting coquettish and cute.

Otherwise, in his past life, he would have been fooled by her for a moment.

It had to be said that upon hearing her coquettish voice, Jack's bones also felt a bit crispy.

He gritted his teeth. If it weren't for knowing the malice in her heart, he would really want to kill her!

Jack replied with a message.

"I've been feeling unwell lately, probably sick, so I'm too lazy to read Chat."

Upon hearing this, Jenny quickly asked, "Are you sick? Have you caught a cold? You must pay attention to keep warm in this weather." 

"No, I'm hot and catching a cold."

Jack replied.

Looking at the message sent by Jack, Jenny's face was dull.

A hot cold?

Were you really teasing me?

Now their room temperature had reached minus 50-60 degrees.

I had to wrap myself in a blanket every day, huddled together with Rose to keep warm, and slept restlessly in the cold every day.

Did you say you had a fever?

"Jack, don't joke. How could it be cold caused by hot on such a cold day!"

Jack sent a curious expression.

"Is it cold? Oh, I have a fireplace in my room, and I don't feel much."

"This thing is burning up and making the room uncomfortable. It's probably because I was sleeping in front of the fire a few days ago and accidentally fell ill!"

Jack spoke and took a photo of the blazing fireplace with his phone.

In the photo, he also took pictures of his bare legs.

Accidentally, he also took the piles of snacks on his coffee table, as well as the leftover lamb chops and chicken legs.

Then, he sent the photo to Jenny.

Jenny saw the photo sent by Jack.

If the previous few photos only made her a little sour, then this photo directly made her jealous eyes angry! Fireplace!

This was a magical tool for heating!

Even in the distant north, it's not a problem to burn this at home, even if it's minus a few dozen degrees outside.

The heating power of this thing was even more awesome than the heating power. After all, it can be heated nearby!

Jenny had been frozen for the past ten days, almost losing consciousness all over her body.

What she craved the most now, besides food, was a means of heating!

A few days ago, she and Rose burned a chair in the room just to keep warm.

Although it only briefly maintained the heat for more than ten minutes, the high temperature of the flames moved her to tears on the spot.

However, there were not many things that can be burned at home.

After burning it, she could only remember that feeling.

Who would have thought that Jack, this guy, would still have something like a fireplace at home!

T City was a southern city, and it was not necessary to wear jackets during the winter. Who would install a fireplace in their house?

Jenny didn't have time to think about this question. Her eyes were fixed on the photo, and her only thought was - she wanted to go to Jack's house! Looking at Jack's carefree appearance with bare legs and a pile of food on the table, at this moment, Jack had become Jenny's greatest hope!

Rose, curled up in the blanket next to her, noticed the change in Jenny's expression.

She leaned her head over and was soon stunned, exclaiming, "Oh my goodness! This photo can't be changed. How could someone live such a good life at such a time?!"

"This is simply heaven. "

Jenny suddenly woke up.

"Yeah, now everyone is starving and freezing at home. Why can Jack live so comfortably?"

"Maybe this photo, as well as the previous ones, were all changed by him."

She had a sudden idea and made a video call to Jack.

Whether it's true or false, just taken a glance and it's clear.

Rose also leaned her head over and stared fixedly at the screen.

Jack saw the call invitation and his expression was a bit playful.

He really wanted to see how this woman humbly begged him.

If I can't watch her die in despair, how can I live up to my tragic death in the previous life?

So he reached out and connected the call.

As soon as the phone was connected, both parties saw each other's current situation.

Jack had just finished his exercise and lay lazily on the sofa, naked.

The room was brightly lit, with fitness equipment placed behind it, and you can vaguely see that there were many ingredients piled up in the kitchen.

Occasionally, he would also cook his own meals to eat, just as it was for leisure.

So in the kitchen, a few boxes of scallops, gelatin, and abalone were casually placed inside, as well as instant noodles, as well as high-end canned goods such as caviar and truffles.

For him, these things were just occasional fast food to taste.

But for the two women on the other side of the camera, it's simply the most beautiful food in their dreams!

Compared to Jack's comfort and ease, Jenny and Rose on the other side of the camera appeared very embarrassed.

The two of them were wrapped in thick blankets, and due to the low temperature, many cosmetics were useless, so they looked a bit haggard. It's not as exquisite as it used to be.

When Jack saw Jenny, there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

The goddess he had pursued so hard in the past turned out to be nothing more than a plain face, at most only six points.

Thinking of his long obsession with her, he cursed inwardly: XXXX.

The two women didn't notice Jack's expression.

At this moment, their eyes were completely drawn to the things inside Jack's house.

The naked upper body represents that the indoor temperature of Jack's house was absolutely very comfortable.

The bright lights, on days when electricity was limited for less than an hour every day, they dared not even think about it.

After all, according to official regulations, high-power electrical appliances were not allowed to be used, otherwise they would be forcibly cut off.

Especially in the kitchen, the piled-up mountain like food made the eyes of the two women who had been eating compressed food for a long time shined green!