Chapter 32 Angelic bitch uses both hard and soft tactics

Through video calls, Jenny and Rose were able to see Jack's current state of life.

The comfortable temperature and abundant food in that luxurious life made them completely dumbfounded, as if they had seen heaven! They probably couldn't imagine how someone could live such a comfortable life ten days after the end of the world.

Jack asked lightly, "How have you been lately? You've all lost weight, congratulations!"

Jenny and Rose really wanted to curse his mother in their hearts.

Were they trying to lose weight? That's all hungry!

Now they only dared to eat one pack of instant noodles every day, otherwise their household supplies would have been depleted long ago.

Rose's eyes were fixed on the food at Jack's house. She swallowed her saliva and greedily said, "Jack, how could your family have so much food? Did you hoard that last time we went shopping together?"

Jack glanced at the kitchen and said indifferently, "What you're talking about is all junk food. I'm too lazy to eat a little when I'm cooking. I usually don't move much."

What Jack said is all the truth.

In his strange space, delicious food piled up into mountains.

After all, he had ordered countless delicacies from various restaurants and restaurants.

In addition, there were more than 100000 kinds of food in the tens of billions of materials in Mart warehouse.

His casual words, to Jenny and Rose, were blatantly showing off his wealth!

After all, a bag of instant noodles had been hyped up to 2000 dollars per bag among their homeowners!

Jack could clearly saw that their throats were constantly wriggling, obviously swallowing saliva.

But Jack didn't say anything, just quietly admiring the eager gaze in their eyes.

"Jack, you eat a lot at home. It's amazing! Many people outside can't eat now!"

"Hehe, you're still smart. No wonder you bought so many things back then, you already had plans!"

Jenny chuckled and said.

Jack's mouth curved slightly.

"Hey, what's going on here? It's just luck."

Jenny asked again, "Jack, your home looks so warm. And nowadays is not the time for power supply, why are your home so bright?"?

Jenny asked her biggest question.

Nothing was more desirable than warmth in extreme cold.

Jack smiled faintly and reversed the camera of his phone, aiming it at the fireplace.

"I have installed a fireplace in our house! This thing is very warm, and it's uncomfortable inside the house."

He deliberately said, "By the way, it seems very cold from your appearance. Is it really that cold outside now?"

"I haven't gone out for about ten days, and I don't know what's going on outside."

Jack's words can be said to have filled up the hatred value.

How could he not know what was going on outside?

Just through the owner chat group, you can see everyone's miserable situation and understand how low the temperature was in other households.

Jenny and Rose felt their teeth itch with hatred in their hearts.

They knew that Jack deliberately said that.

But you had to bear it. He lived in heaven now! It meant that having the ostentatious capital.

Jenny had only one idea now, which was to live in Jack's house!

Because judging from Jack's condition, his food was very abundant.

Combined with a warm environment, who wouldn't yearn?

Jenny immediately put on a weak and pitiful look, blinked her eyes, and said coquettishly, " Jack, you're so amazing. They admire you so much!"

"Can you let me go to your house and take a look? It's been a long time since I saw you. I miss you so much!"

Jenny felt that her move was definitely effective.

After all, before that, she relied on this move to make many licking dogs around her obedient to her orders.

Besides, Jack also pursued her back then.

She believed that as long as a goddess like herself used some means and made a slight move, Jack would definitely agree to her request without hesitation.

As long as she can enter Jack's home, she naturally had more ways to live confidently.

No big deal, just give Jack a little sweetness on your own!

Men, weren't they all this kind of guy?

But she didn't expect that when Jack on the other side of the camera saw her coquettish appearance, he felt a pang of nausea.

He really began to doubt whether his past life was mentally ill, otherwise how could he had pursued such a woman for two years?

They used to work in the warehouse area, and there were already relatively few female employees.

Jenny was known for acting cute and dressing up, so over time, Jack treated her like a goddess.

In the love brain mode, as soon as the goddess filter was turned on, Jenny becomes the moonlight in his mind.

But since he was betrayed and died in the previous life, this goddess filter had completely disappeared.

Looking at Jenny's plain face on the other side of the camera, Jack's heart showed no signs of fluctuation.

Even feeling pretentious, making people feel goosebumps all over.

A slight mocking curve curved around the corner of his mouth.

Then leaning against the sofa, he lazily said, holding his cheek in one hand, "On such a cold day, it's better to rest well at home! Don't come out and run around."

"Well, although I don't know how cold it is outside, looking at you guys, the temperature should be quite low!"

Jenny and Rose probably didn't expect to be rejected by Jack.

Both of them were stunned for a moment, their eyes filled with disbelief.

Jenny's eyes were filled with shock and grievances.

In her eyes, Jack was a good spare tire!

As long as she hooked her fingers, he would obediently come over to serve her.

Now she took the initiative to come to Jack's house, but the other party didn't even think about it and just refused!

This had seriously undermined her confidence!

What made her even more uncomfortable was Jack's ostentatious tone.

No, she can't accept such a result!

When she knew there was a warm spring like paradise with plenty of food in her apartment building, but she could only endure hunger at home, she could never accept it.

She's a goddess!

Jenny's face stiffened for a moment, then she squeezed out a smile again.

"Dear Jack, don't joke with Jenny!"

"Didn't you treat Jenny the best before?"

"Why, you don't even let me to see you? I don't say anything else."

She pouted her lips and showed an aggrieved expression, which was truly pitiful to others.

After seeing it, most men would probably feel pity, and then male chauvinism would spread, agreeing to her demands on the spot.

Jack was the exception.

Since being betrayed and killed by Jenny, he had no emotions other than hatred towards this woman.

Jack said, "Before, every time I asked you to come to my house, you used to use various excuses and say that we are all single men and women. Isn't it good to spread rumors about it?"

"I think you're right, but we don't have much to do with each other. It's better to keep a distance. Don't let others gossip!" When Jack pursued Jenny before, he had to put in a lot of effort to get her out for a meal and watch a movie. Prepared gifts, prepared surprises, and even booked a high-end hotel to have a chance.

When he wanted to go further and invited Jenny to his own home, she always had various excuses.

Now, Jack took out those words from her past and jokingly returned them to her.