Chapter 35 Plastic sisters’ Friendship

Jack sighed and said, "This woman doesn't think I'm a rag collector, does she?"

Although Jenny was an angelic bitch, she at least knew how to act coquettishly and dress up.

What else did you, Rose, besides being despicable and narcissistic?

But out of bad taste, Jack still smiled mischievously and said, "Oh, is that really the case?"

"But I just scolded Jenny hard. You two are good girlfriends. If you were to follow me, wouldn't it affect your relationship?"

Rose's eyes lit up and she felt that there was something going on.

She said without hesitation, "What kind of best friend? We're just sharing a house together."

In order to gain Jack's trust, she revealed all the black materials about Jenny.

"You don't know how much I despise her!"

"This woman is particularly lazy. These days, she says she's afraid of the cold and doesn't even want to go to the bathroom. She uses mineral water bottles to pee, which makes me sick!"

"Don't be fooled by her innocent demeanor, she actually goes to nightclubs every day to find men."

"If she encounters a wealthy second generation, she will try her best to stick to it."

"If she's short of money to spend, she'll go out and sell herself. Otherwise, she only earns 5000 dollars a month. How could she have so much money to buy cosmetics and branded bags?"

"It's only 1500 in a night, so despicable! Hmph, this kind of woman, I just look down on her."

Jack was also the first to know that Jenny still had such a side job.

He gritted his teeth and increasingly felt that the world was too absurd.

Fortunately, he was not foolish either. Although he pursued Jenny, he was not yet a pitiful licking dog like Peng.

Rose continued to expose the black materials of Jenny in order to win Jack's trust.

"Don't look at her pretending to be innocent, in fact, she have several abortions."

"When she was in college, she also had several contractors take care of her for four years."

Jack silently watched and then recorded what she said on the screen.

Rose clearly had objections to Jenny in her heart for a long time.

After all, Jenny was more coquettish and beautiful than her, which makes Rose only a companion by her side.

How many women in this world were willing to be the green leaves of others?

Otherwise, why did you think the girlfriends of those wandering goddesses in college were usually ugly and fat girls?

After Rose vented the other party's emotions towards Jenny, she continued to confess Jack.

"Jack, do you know how hard it has been for me to watch you pursue Jenny over the years?"

"Now I finally have the opportunity to confess to you. Let me be your girlfriend! I will definitely love you well in the future."

"And at this time, you're also very lonely at home, aren't you? There's a woman next to you who can help you with many things."

Rose was already making it clear to Jack that as long as she went to Jack's house, she can play whatever Jack wants.

Unfortunately, Jack had no interest in such goods at all.

He quickly forwarded the chat records of the two people to Jenny.

Then he said to Rose, "Although I was moved, let's just forget about this matter."

Rose persisted and asked, "Why? Don't you need a woman now?"

Jack suppressed the nausea in his stomach and said to his phone, "I do like women. But you're too ugly!"

After speaking, Jack muted his phone and threw it aside.

Rose listened to Jack's voice and suddenly changed her color.

He actually said she was too ugly?

Defamation, this was serious slander!

Every time she posted her beautiful photos online, you didn't know how many people praised her as a beauty!

Just as Rose was furious, a scream of anger came from her ear.

"Rose, you are despicable woman. "

Jenny became furious when she saw Rose criticizing her words.

Two people were wrestling together, pulling their hair and pinching their arms.

They continued to fight until they couldn't move, but still stared fiercely at the other person with their eyes.

If it weren't for the cold weather and the need to live under a roof, they would even have the heart to kill each other.

And of course, Rose understood what happened and hates Jack deeply.

But like Jenny, she might envy Jack more than hate him!

At this moment, if Jack agreed to let them enter the room and eat some food, they would all sacrifice their dignity and crawl over like a dog.

On Jack's side, he still led a simple and boring life of prosperity.

Every night, he turned on the TV and went to watch news he never used to watch.

Although there was still a lot of content in news broadcasts now, there was still some external information available.

"The official notice from T City is that in order to meet everyone's demand for electricity, power supply will be provided every afternoon from 1 to 2 o'clock."

"High power appliances cannot be used, only low-power appliances such as kettles, mobile phones, etc. can be heated."

"Currently, major power plants are in a period of shutdown and electricity is scarce. We hope that everyone can consciously reduce their electricity consumption to avoid large-scale and long-term power outages."

Jack raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this news.

In fact, in the past few days, it had been powered within an hour.

Sometimes, even with only a few minutes of power supply.

At such times, the government was still willing to supply electricity to ordinary people, even if it is only for a short moment, which was probably their greatest effort.

The vast majority of power plants around the world had been shut down, and before the Ice Age, energy was being used less and less. However, what concerns Jack was not the content of the news, but the tone of the female anchor and the format of the news broadcast. This time's news, the female anchor's tone was very serious, and the content of the broadcast was no longer mainly focused on comforting the people. This mean that the authorities had given up concealing the extent of the national disaster. When unable to control, only comprehensive information release can be carried out, allowing everyone to recognize reality as soon as possible and then find ways to save themselves. As expected, Jack opened his phone and saw that various chat groups had already exploded. There were those who cursed the official inaction, those who cried in despair, and more who were buying materials at high prices. The price of instant noodles had increased from 2000 dollars per pack two days ago to 5000 dollars per pack!

Jack still felt speechless.

The essence of human greed was truly evident, knowing that the world was at its end, money was almost impossible to have any short-term effect.

But they were still willing to exchange food and drink for money.

Jack didn't say anything, he was like an observer, observing everything from the outside.

Life always had to go on, even if hope was lost, no one wanted to die, even if it's just to survive!

Therefore, they cursed and argued, and the next day they still had to struggle desperately to survive.