Chapter 36: The Cruel Woman

Due to the frozen water pipes, the water supplied in the community had become a major problem.

If you wanted to drink water, you can only go to the first floor to fetch snow water, braving the ultra-low temperature of minus 70 degrees outside.

But after retrieving the snow water, how to melt it had also become a big problem.

The indoor temperature was also minus 50-60 degrees, at which point the ice was as hard as cement.

Some residents were extremely thirsty, so they used their tongues to lick it, and then their tongues sticked to it, freezing to death.

During these days, Jack discovered through surveillance cameras that the group of people under David would come to spy every day.

Obviously, they believed that Jack will definitely came out to fetch water, and planned to take this opportunity to kill Jack.

However, for several days, they did not see Jack walk out of the room.

They cannot imagine how abundant the resources in Jack's home were.

As long as he was willing, he can live to death in this room without worries about food and clothing!

"Is this David still alive? He can hold on quite well."

Jack muttered to himself.

David's calf was hit by an arrow, and without effective treatment, his leg would definitely be weakened. And due to infection, even one's life cannot be saved.

Not to mention, under such extreme low temperatures, any injury can cause a high fever.

Being able to survive was simply a miracle!

"Can we say that the virus couldn't survive because the temperature was too low, so it didn't die?"

Jack was not very familiar with medicine and cannot figure out the reason why David was still alive.

But he didn't care too much either. Whoever lived or died outside didn't have much impact on him.

David's death was just a matter of time.

The next morning, after waking up from sleep, Jack picked up his phone with hazy eyes.

Reading the messages in the chat group every day, and then checking the outside world on the forum, was his greatest pleasure now.

In this post-apocalyptic world, watching others struggling in extreme low temperatures.

But I was enjoying a heavenly life.

This intense contrast can bring great satisfaction to Jack.

At the very least, it dispelled his inner boredom and occasional loneliness.

Compared to those who died from cold and hunger, or struggled on the brink of death, he no longer knew how happy he was!

Opening my phone, I didn't expect to see the messages from Jenny and Rose first.

Jenny said, "Jack, I'm sorry. Yesterday, I might have been too cold, so I wasn't in a good mood. I shouldn't have gotten angry with you."

"You're right. In the past, I was too naive and didn't understand. I didn't realize who was truly good to me."

"Now I realize that the person who treated me the best was you. In fact, my heart also really likes you."

"Can you forgive me? Let's live a good life together in the future. "

"I want to be your woman. Don't you also feel lonely living alone?"

"I can come and accompany you, so that you won't be alone in the end."

Jack sighed a bit.

Jenny, who had always been extremely aloof before, finally lost all her dignity and arrogance in the face of disaster.

Even though she was mercilessly mocked by Jack, she had to abandon her dignity and choose to kneel and lick Jack.

Jack shook his head. In his previous life, he was still foolish.

If I had known she was this kind of woman, wouldn't I have easily started?

Jenny, despite being worthless, pretended to be a noble goddess.

Clearly despicable, why pretend to be pure!

Jack replied, "Although rotten pears can quench thirst, I haven't been hungry to that extent yet."

Unfortunately, there were still many props to use in the alternate space!

It's that kind of high-end product, a fully simulated product developed by Sakura Country.

Jack doesn't want it. It's really that Mart's warehouse had too many categories.

After closing Jenny's chat interface, Jack opened Rose's again.

This woman was even bolder than Jenny.

She might also know that her beauty was not as good as Jenny's, and if she competed, she fell into the bottom.

So she directly took a few selfies of herself, all full of hints.

Compared to Jenny, she was more open-minded. If this thing were to be put aside, it would directly lead to her social death.

Jack quickly replied, "My heart has no fluctuations, and I even feel a bit like laughing."

Then he ignored it.

He also knew that after seeing the beautiful scenery in his home, these two women would definitely spare no effort to enter his home.

Now they had abandoned their dignity and begged for him, and in the future, they would resort to any means possible.

But what about that?

Jack spent a lot of money to build his family into a steel fortress, just to deal with any possible situation.

After receiving Jack's reply, Jenny and Rose angrily cursed again.

They had already given up their dignity and humbly begged Jack.

Especially Rose, she took pictures of all the places and positions she could take pictures of.

Jack actually said that after seeing her photos, he even wanted to laugh?

What a shame!

Although she didn't have the time and energy to put on makeup and dress up now, her appearance and figure were a bit inferior, but at least she was also a woman!

Did she want face?

The more two people thought, the more unwilling they became.

The current life was like hell, not only enduring hunger, but also extreme low temperatures.

Jack's home was their last hope in their hearts!

Jenny gritted her teeth and a fierce expression appeared in her eyes.

"If it really doesn't work, just rush into their house!"

"I must live in their house, I don't want to go hungry anymore!"

"If it really doesn't work, it doesn't matter if you kill Jack!"

As long as she can stay at Jack's house, she was willing to do anything now!

Although she thought so, she was still a woman.

If she went to Jack's house to smash the door, she would definitely not be able to beat Jack.

Thinking of this, Jenny's cold gaze turned to the next door.

Not now, Jenny needed someone to help her.

So she went to the next door and said to Rose, "Jack, this dead scumbag, is watching us suffer and do not let us go to his house.""

"We can't just sit and wait. "

"That's a great house, he's not the one to live in. Let's think of a way to bring his house!"

Rose's eyes lit up when she heard Jenny's construction.

Kneeling for Jack had no effect, then we can only think of ways to cheat and rob!

"Okay, I agree with your method."

"Why do disabled people like Jack live in such a good house."

"He got out and was killed by a sleet, bitten to death by a wild dog."

"His house is the most suitable place for us to live"