Chapter 47 The Arrow of Tetanus

That's right, some people were gradually becoming aware of Jack's abnormality.

In this cold and post apocalyptic world, everyone suffered from hunger and cold, and even those who usually had inventory at home had a very difficult time.

But only he, having enough to eat and wear warm clothes, even chose to install a fireplace in the southern city of T!

In addition, the sturdy anti-theft door appeared to be a preparation for this situation.

Peng pursed his lips and said angrily, "If that's the case, Jack would be even more despicable! Even though he knew the snowstorm was coming, he only cared about himself and didn't notify his neighbors in advance!"

He spat heavily.

Because he had a personal grudge against Jack, Peng never missed any opportunity to slander him.

Ada and others still frowned and ignored Peng.

After all, if it was them, they would definitely prioritize themselves and their families, regardless of the lives of others!

"The question is, what should we do next? If we can't pry the door, is it feasible to break it directly?"

Ada spoke and looked at Peng, Alex, and Joie.

These three people were one of the few men in their team, and if they wanted to forcefully break the door, they were the main force.

People muttered and discussed for a while.

Jack saw through surveillance that they had left again from the stairs.

He held a gun in his left hand and a crossbow in his right hand, watching them leave leisurely.

Jack could have shot and killed two people.

However, he was not in a hurry at all. He was now living a peaceful life and need to find some excitement.

So he wanted to see how these people plan to break through the door.

This was also to prepare for dealing with more difficult people in the future.

After a while, a few of them returned.

This time, they carried a large and thick piece of wood.

It seemed that it was removed from the bed.

A few women were holding umbrellas nearby to prevent Jack from splashing cold water on them.

Three men lifted a wooden frame and collided with the door, "Duang!"! The sound was loud, and Jack could feel the walls trembling.

However, he was not worried either. If the 20-centimeter-thick steel plate can be smashed, unless there was a Green Giant in the opposing team. Peng, Alex, and Joie fought their lives to collide.

Jack just sat on the sofa, staring at them knocking the door and constantly observing the changes in the house through his mobile app.

This app was specially designed by Z Company for users to check the overall trend of the house at any time.

He was not careless either. He held the weapon steadily, and once he found something wrong, he would take action.

However, Alex and others slammed into each other hard for a while, and the entire building knew about it. However, the door remained firm as ever.

Apart from some white spots appearing, there was not even a depression!

Five minutes later, a group of people were completely dumbfounded.

"How thick this door really is!"

"Even the door of the bank vault is not as sturdy as it."

"Who would use this kind of door in their house!"

Alex and his companions were almost in despair, roaring angrily.

That was the voice of unwillingness and despair.

And Jack, who saw this scene through surveillance, also smiled slightly, feeling much relieved about the quality of his safe house.

"Alright, it's time to teach you a lesson now."

Jack stood up, put the pistol in his pocket, and then opened an iron box.

There were 20 crossbows and arrows in this iron box, but strangely, they were all covered in rust.

In theory, this type of alloy crossbow arrow was difficult to rust, but these 20 were all mottled with rust, as if stored in a damp environment for several years. In fact, they were all rust marks intentionally created by Jack.

As long as there was a slight scratch on the skin, there was a risk of tetanus.

In this environment where medical care was not available, it would not quickly become fatal, but would only infect wounds and cause them to suppurate and decay.

If someone was shot by it, they would either choose to amputate to save their life or wait for death in extreme pain!

This experience was gained by Jack from David.

Although David's leg was broken, he still managed to survive through some methods.

But next time, if he got hit by this tetanus arrow again, Jack wanted to see how he lived!

Jack showed a demonic smile at the corner of his mouth and climbed up the shooting hole.

Jenny and a few others were holding umbrellas, unable to see clearly the situation of the people below.

Jack didn't care about that, just shoot under the umbrella!

If you died, you're lucky. It's best not to die!


The tetanus arrow pierced through the umbrella, followed by a mournful scream.

Without waiting for them to react, Jack quickly loaded the second arrow without aiming, as they were all standing together. The second arrow shot out again, and another scream came.

Jack quickly loaded and arched.

At this moment, those few people realized and fled in shock.

Jack didn't rush or slow down, just aimed at them and shot over, and he deliberately avoided the key points, specifically shooting at his arms and thighs.

Among the remaining six people, three were all shot with arrows, and one was hit with two shots.

However, due to the slow loading speed of the crossbow, they ran to Jack's blind spot before Jack could give them an arrow again.

Jack shrugged his shoulders.

It didn't matter, anyway those guys were already dead, and they had to die in extreme pain and sorrow.

As for the others, what Jack had was time to play slowly with them.

As the saying goes, time was on Jack's side.

How about Jack being steady? Even at this time, he still hadn't opened the door to go out.

Even if there was only one in ten thousand chances of injury, Jack cannot take this risk!

"The consumption of crossbows and arrows is a big problem!"

Jack frowned and began to consider the long-term.

He bought 300 crossbows and arrows, as well as 300 bows and arrows.

After each use, he also found it difficult to go out and recycle.

Although there was still a lot left, if one had no foresight, there must be immediate worries!

After pondering for a while, Jack suddenly had an idea.

He opened a different space, searched around freely, and immediately found what he wanted!

There were many marbles used for bearings in the warehouse, which can also be fired with a crossbow.

There were also those toy glass marbles, although their killing power was not as strong as steel pillars, their power was also considerable when shot out by professional crossbows. Even if crossbows and arrows were not enough, there were still many metal products inside that can be dismantled and modified.

Jack felt comfortable.

"With these things, I can eat for a lifetime!"

He was comfortable now, but some people were in dire straits.

Jenny and seven others originally intended to seize the house of Jack's family by relying on the large number of people.

But as a result, one person died, and three others were shot by crossbows and arrows, forcing them to run back in embarrassment. They didn't even dare to pick up Henry 's body.