Chapter 48: Without Drugs, One Can Only Wait for Death

Jenny, Ada, Alex and others fled back like bereaved dogs.

After returning to the house and closing the door, a group of people were covered in cold sweat, panting heavily.

Especially a few injured, biting their teeth in pain, collapsed on the sofa.

Jack's arrow hit Alex, Peng, and Joie.

After all, they were the main attackers at the time, closest to Jack's house.

Jenny and Rose had seen Jack's methods before and deliberately stood back, neither of them was hit by an arrow.

So, it led to the seven people who passed this time, and the four men either died or were hit by the tetanus arrow. Due to the cold weather, they didn't feel any special pain at first.

But after returning home, several people endured extreme low temperatures and had to grit their teeth to untie their clothes.

When they saw the wound, their faces all changed!

If it's a regular arrow, it's still said to pull it out, disinfect it with alcohol, and then take some anti-inflammatory drugs.

But this arrow was covered in rust!

Without antibiotics, once infected, in the current environment, one can only wait to die, which was still the kind of extremely tragic death! "No, no! How could that be!!"

Alex's pupils tightened, and he understood what it meant. The fear of death instantly enveloped him.


With a crisp sound, Ada angrily slapped Jenny.

Those who were injured were all her relatives and friends.

And all of this was caused by Jenny instigating them to rob Jack's house.

Can she not be angry?

"Bastards, it's all your fault!"

"Didn't you say that his family only has a sturdy door? Why are there arrows? "Did you already know that's why you ran so far! Why are you just fine?"

Ada's figure was not petite, she were much taller than Jenny and Rose 

This slap immediately frightened Jenny into trembling.

Jenny covered her face and shed tears of grievance.

"I don't know either! The last time we went over, he didn't attack us with a crossbow."

Peng was shot in the arm and saw his beloved woman being beaten by his cousin. He quickly struggled over and stood in front of Jenny.

"Cousin, come on. I can testify that Jenny really doesn't know!"

Ada hated his cousin for being so foolish in her heart.

She pointed to Jenny and Rose and said, "So why aren't they doing anything? "Hmph, I just saw them, they're hiding far away!"

Rose was unhappy and muttered softly, "Aren't you also unharmed? It's okay to say we're okay!"

Ada angrily cursed, "I was lucky I didn't get shot. Now that we're all harmed by you, get out of here!"

Alex reached out and stopped Ada, then gave her a wink.

"We're all injured now, someone has to take care of us."

He whispered in a low voice.

He didn't want to die yet, he must pull out the arrow and pray not to be infected in order to survive.

Ada's chest heaved violently, and she looked at Jenny and Rose with hatred.

"Don come over and help!"

Jenny and Rose lowered their heads, with a hint of resentment flashing in their eyes.

They went to help those wounded treat their wounds.

After unbuttoning their clothes, seeing the power of the arrows, their faces immediately turned pale.

Jack's crossbows and arrows were all professional and can be used to hunt wild boars and coyotes.

Shooting into the person's body, it immediately plunged deeply into bodies.

They didn't have professional medical personnel and professional equipment, and there was no way to handle it at all.

If one of them can't handle it well, they would just bleed to death.

Ada pondered for a moment and said, "I can only ask Dr. Janice to come and help!"

Previously, the grandson's liver ruptured after being kicked, and it was her who helped to save his life.

Ada walked aside and called Janice.

In no time, Janice came over.

Ada walked over and excitedly took Janice 's hand.

"Dr. Janice, we all rely on you for our lives!"

Janice was wearing a black knee down jacket, tightly wrapping herself, but still unable to conceal her tall and slender figure. She carried an iron medicine box on her shoulder.

After arriving at the room, he glanced at the injuries of several people and immediately frowned.

"Is it an arrow injury again?"

Ada blinked curiously and said, "So? Who else has also been shot by an arrow?"

An unnatural expression swept over Janice's face.

"No, it's a patient from a previous hospital."

Ada felt a bit strange, but she didn't have time to think about it now.

"Dr. Janice, please help them as soon as possible!"

Janice didn't say much nonsense and walked over to check the injuries of several people.

By now, their faces had turned pale and frightening.

Due to the inability to pull out the arrow, there was no way to stop the bleeding, which was extremely deadly in temperatures of minus 60-70 degrees Celsius.

Ada quickly said, "Dr. Janice, it's already this time. You should start do it! We believe you."

Janice frowned and said, "Their injuries are too deep! Unless there is professional equipment, I am not fully confident in performing the surgery."

Janice shook her head.

"The arrows are covered in rust, which can cause infection."

"At most, I can pull out the arrow, but without antibiotic treatment, they can still get infected. I'm afraid that by then..."

She didn't say anything later, but everyone at the scene understood what that meant.

Under these conditions, once infected, one would undoubtedly die!

Ada's tears immediately flowed down. Alex and several others were her close friends, and Peng was her cousin. In the apocalypse, people inherently lacked a sense of security.

If you had to lose so many family and friends at the same time within a day, it would definitely make you collapse!

"That Jack's heart is so ruthless! He must have been intentional. How could he be so cruel?"

"Even if we occupy his house, we won't take his life!"

Ada cursed sorrowfully.


When Janice heard the name, she remembered it.

She had a few encounters with Jack and vaguely remembered that he was a sunny and handsome man.

However, due to Janice's aloof personality, she hadn't much communication with him.

"In short, without medication, simply pulling out the arrow would still pose a great danger to one's life. I hope you can understand," Janice said lightly.

To this day, she no longer avoided anything. In the apocalypse, everyone should have the consciousness to die at any time.

Suddenly, Jenny seemed to have thought of something.

She excitedly said, "Medicine? I remember Jack had it at home!"