Chapter 49: With a Blunt Face, Begging Jack to Borrow Medicine

Ada and Alex were immediately excited when they heard that Jack had medicine!

When a person died, they would grab any life-saving straw.

Alex struggled and said, "Is this true? Does he really have medicine?"

Ada also stared at her intently and said, "Jenny, don't lie either! Because of you, several of us have been seriously injured."

Now hearing the name Jack, she also felt lingering fear.

Jenny said, "Just a month ago, from then on, Jack seemed to have changed all over. He started hoarding things crazily at home."

"I can see trucks delivering things to him almost every day."

"Once, I saw a pharmaceutical company's car coming to the community, and Jack went to pick it up."

"Then, they carried two large boxes to his house. There must be medicine inside!"

Upon hearing this, Janice also said, "Antibiotics are not a rare drug. If he had really hoarded goods in advance of the disaster, there would have been a large amount of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs in his hands."

As a doctor, Janice was very convinced of this.

Alex seemed to see hope for life, and the light in his eyes went crazy.

"Then quickly go find Jack and ask him to use the medicine to save my life!"

"My injury was caused by him, so he must be saved!"

Ada gritted her teeth and looked conflicted.

"But this kind of thing just happened, he also hates us! How could he bring us medicine?"

Joie couldn't bear the pain anymore.

He lay on the sofa, constantly moaning in pain.

"Oh, I feel like I'm about to die."

"Think of a way! Go beg Jack, you must save us!"

Jenny also said, "We haven't hurt him yet, and we plan to leave some supplies for him after breaking through the door."

"On the contrary, it's him who doesn't recognize good people's hearts and puts a dead hand on us. We are the just side, what are we afraid of!"

Upon hearing these people's comments, Janice basically understood what had happened, and a look of silence flashed in her eyes.

But this matter had nothing to do with her, and she did not make any further evaluations.

But instead, opened the medicine box, taken out the gauze from inside, and first stopped the bleeding for a few people.

There was nothing left in the medicine box.

The medication she put at home was for emergency use and there wouldn't be too much.

And in recent days, she had helped several neighbors with treatment, and the natural inventory had bottomed out.

If Ada and the others can't get the medicine, perhaps she can only help pull out the arrow and reluctantly bandage it.

At least it can make their deaths less painful.

A group of people spoke well.

Until now, they still believed that they were not wrong.

What could be wrong with them just for survival?

It can only blame Jack for being too selfish. Why should he enjoy such good living conditions alone?

After pondering for a while, Ada suddenly reached out and pointed to Jenny, saying, "I'll leave this matter to you! I know Jack has pursued you before, so it's most suitable for you to do it."

Alex and Joie also weakly agreed.

After all, all of this was caused by Jenny.

If it weren't for her telling a few people about the situation of the Jack family and confidently stating that the Jack family's defenses were weak, it would be easy to break through, and they wouldn't have been so foolish to take risks in the past.

Although Peng was somewhat unwilling to let Jenny seek Jack, the severe pain in his arm and the danger of death made him choose to stand on Ada's side. He said to Jenny "Jenny, we are a collective, right? This matter will be unfair to you. We can all live well to protect you."

Jenny looked conflicted, and her heart was very reluctant.

After all, she had already been insulted like Jack before.

But now she had no choice.

It was through her relationship with Peng that she was able to join this collective.

Otherwise, a delicate woman like her would not have played a significant role in fighting against bullies like David. Other teams would not choose to let her join.

Even if it can be added, it may become a toy.

Women, especially those who had no skills other than being coquettish and having beautiful faces, were so cheap in the afterlife.

Janice picked up the surgical knife, but due to limited conditions, disinfection was not possible.

Even alcohol lamps would clump at this temperature.

Moreover, without medication, current disinfection was just a meaningless task.

She asked Alex to bite into the towel and then started digging arrows.

Without anesthesia at the surgical site, there was soon a pig like scream, and Alex's towel was almost bitten to pieces by him!

The whole room was filled with shivers, urging Jenny to borrow medicine from Jack.

Jenny gritted her scalp and dialed Jack's Chat voice.

"Doo... doo... doo."

Jack was at home, preparing to eat something.

It's amazing to say that although it was his first time killing someone, his heart was incredibly calm.

There was no fear, but rather an excitement of successful revenge.

This made him very satisfied. To survive in the apocalypse, one must have such a mentality.

He was really afraid that he would vomit or suffer from insomnia.

After all, he had experienced more adversity than anyone else now, and nothing can make his mentality collapse.

At this moment, the phone rang.

Jack took it over with interest and found that it was when Jenny called. He couldn't help but widen his eyes and have an unexpected smile on his lips.

"Oh? I was beaten so badly just now, are you going to call and scold me now?"

Jack answered without hesitation.

No matter how miserable the other party was now, he was just as happy.

He turned on the hands-free and started making lunch in the kitchen.

"Hello, what's up?"

Jack's voice was very gentle, as if it was not him who had just killed Henry and shot arrows at Alex and others.

But the more he spoke in this tone, the more terrifying Jenny and others felt.

Under the gaze of a few people, Jenny was also chatting on the voiceover.

She pleaded, "Jack, Henry is dead, Peng and his team have been shot by you and are almost dead. Wuwu..."

She cried bitterly, as if trying to win Jack's sympathy.

However, Jack just said lightly, "Oh, if you die, you'll die. You have to die sooner or later!"

He held a knife in his hand and approached the microphone, saying softly, "Do you think you can survive this snow disaster?"

The sound was like coming from hell, and Ada and others felt a chill in their backs.

Jack expressed their deepest fear.

The city was sealed off by heavy snow, and their building had become an isolated island.

Even if we survived now, our supplies would soon run out. Even if we were not killed by David, we would freeze to death and starve to death.

Jenny trembled and wept, "Jack, I know I was wrong. It's all my fault for not agreeing to your pursuit. But now I want to change. Can you forgive me?"