Chapter 37 The Most Interesting Revenge

In the military, countless soldiers are intensively undergoing various professional trainings. Each of these most elite soldiers is full of iron-blooded aura. They are like flesh-and-blood fighting machines.

However, if among the elite iron-blooded soldiers, there are two incompatible figures, strolling casually in the huge military area, they seem to be wandering at will, while criticizing with interest, a group of iron-blooded soldiers, like each Cute...monkey?

The White Queen leaned on Locke's arms with her delicate body and said in awe.

"My dear, your group mind control ability is better than mine."

"This is not mind control, it is a kind of Hypnotic Ability. Their five senses are all distorted by me at this moment. When you regain freedom and integrate the current projection further, it is not impossible for you to do it."

White Queen nodded with a strange look on her face: "Where are we going now?"

"Definitely talk to those senior military officials~"

Locke is not sure who captured the White Queen's body. The most likely candidate at present is William Stryker, not least because this guy is a fanatical Mutant purger.

More importantly, the organization that the three cuckoo sisters in the future escaped from was the Purge organization, and this organization was established by William Stryker.

In addition, the Sentry organization is also very suspicious. After all, there are too many Mutants who have become experimental subjects of this organization. For example, the Red Devil, a former high-ranking member of Hellfire, has clearly become the experimental material of the Sentry organization.

The purpose of Locke's trip was to learn about these two organizations from some senior military officials.

After all, reality is not film and television, and it cannot be just the part shown in film and television. In reality, these two organizations are much more grand and complex.

As for whether the military leaders are willing to exchange this information with Locke, who cares about that~

I wandered into a tightly guarded conference room. At the moment, several military giants were having a meeting in this conference room.

Seeing the sudden intrusion of the two people and what a military giant with keen reaction was about to do, Locke glanced casually, and as the Chaos force surged out, everyone froze in place like a log.


"Emma, ​​it's over to you."

White Queen nodded and began to extract the memories of these military giants one by one.

Locke, on the other hand, sat casually on the sofa.

Suddenly, Locke's eyes lit up and he saw an interesting guy.

The green fat man's father-in-law, the deep General Ross who 'loves' the green fat man.

With a casual hook, General Ross came to Locke's side lightly. A ray of Chaos force overflowed, and he began to look through General Ross's memories like watching a movie.

"Hey, the green fat guy was actually born a long time ago~"

And according to General Ross's memory, this green fat father-in-law has been chasing the green fat man for a long time. Even Ross doesn't know where the green fat man is hiding now.

Locke groped his chin. To be honest, Locke quite admired the green fat man.

Note that Locke admires the green giant, Hulk, not the Bruce Banner he boarded.

Hulk has the best fighting intuition and fighting instinct, and also has the super characteristic that the angrier he gets, the stronger he gets. However, Bruce Banner, who can control this power, does not have these excellent characteristics. He is just a man with a developed brain and simple limbs. Second-hand goods.

This is also the reason why Bruce Banner, who was completely integrated with the Hulk in the later period, had his combat effectiveness reduced to a funny character, and he was completely unable to unleash the Hulk's amazing potential.

"It is said that Hulk is a spiritual mutation. In theory, it should be possible to separate Hulk from Bruce Banner."

Locke has always admired the powerful warrior Hulk, not the funny character of Bruce Banner.

He glanced at General Ross again and casually left something on General Ross. Although he was very interested, Locke had no interest in searching for the green fat guy all over the world. He just let this guy and the green fat guy fall in love and kill each other, and he could just wait and pick the peaches. .


Suddenly, an astonishing amount of spiritual energy burst out instantly.

"Touch! Touch! Touch..."

All the glass in the entire conference room shattered in an instant.

Locke raised his head and looked at White Queen, whose chest was rising and falling violently, creating a wave.

"Emma, ​​calm down."

A wisp of Chaos force flowed out, soothing the White Queen's violently fluctuating emotions.

The White Queen took a deep breath and put on an extremely ugly smile on her face.

"Sorry, my mood swings were too violent."

Glancing at an unknown military giant, the White Queen's eyes revealed a strong murderous intent.

"Honey, can I kill him!"

Locke smiled slightly: "It's okay if you want him to die, but you can't do it yourself."

When a Mutant kills a military giant in a military meeting, the government officials who know the truth will go crazy. Locke is not afraid, but he has no interest in starting a war with those guys now. In the end, besides letting Locke ruthlessly kill tens of thousands, Or hundreds of thousands of people, nothing else.


Locke lightly snapped his fingers, and a Chaos force quickly filled the entire conference room. The next moment, the conference room seemed to be suspended and was reactivated, and the military giants began to argue and discuss fiercely.

Locke and White Queen were sitting on the sofa, quietly explaining that the group of military giants in front of them were almost the same as street gangsters, and they frequently greeted each other's parents.


Suddenly, a group of military giants seemed to discuss the most controversial point. The military giant that the White Queen wanted to kill, their emotions fell into an unprecedented intensity. They angrily took out a handful from a stone statue nearby and used it as a decoration. With his sword, he rushed towards the other giant who had been refuting him without saying a word.

At this moment, the other military giants were shocked. Before they could stop them, the two veterans quickly fought together.

Psst, it was the sound of a sharp knife being inserted into the abdomen, and large jets of scarlet blood spurted out, splattering the surrounding area with blood.

At the last moment, the dying military giant seemed to regain consciousness. He saw two people, two people that other military colleagues seemed to be unable to see at all.

One handsome young man, and the other, the boss, made the military giant's eyes widen in an instant, because he was so familiar with this!

White Queen!

The reason why he was familiar was because he had made the final decision on the capture of the White Queen, and he was also William Stryker's immediate boss and backer.

The White Queen at the moment was looking down at him with a malicious sneer.

At this moment, the giant seemed to suddenly understand something. His pupils were wide open and he struggled violently. What did he want to do? Unfortunately, his life was going at an extremely fast speed and he was filled with a sense of powerlessness. He wanted to say What, but found that my language ability seemed to be completely blocked, and I couldn't say even a word. I could only feel the passage of life bit by bit under the cold gaze of the White Queen.

When his life was completely reduced to zero, his eyes were still wide open, full of strong unwillingness, and one hand was raised with great force, as if he wanted to grab something.

Locke stroked White Queen's silky hair: "Emma, ​​isn't this kind of revenge more interesting than simply killing him~"

The White Queen was leaning on his arms, her beautiful eyes seemed to be watering at the moment.

"My dear, I can't wait to rescue my true body!"

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