Chapter 38 He’S Coming! He Came!

In a hidden underground base, William Stryker, with a cold and dark face, stared coldly at the experimental subject wailing in pain in the glass room not far away, his eyes filled with disgust as if he were looking at an insect.

"Mutants are the most disgusting things in the world!"

Even his biological son is still a disgusting and ugly bug in the eyes of this fanatical Mutant cleaner, and he can't wait to kill him immediately.

The reason why he didn't kill the Essen Stryker immediately, who made him feel extremely humiliated, was because he felt that the other person had some value and could help him kill more Mutants, that's all.

"Father! Father!" Suddenly, a guy who was placed on the experimental table and looked similar to other experimental subjects wailed in extreme horror.

William Stryker walked forward unhurriedly, looking indifferently at his biological son who was covered in various experimental equipment.

"What's up with him?"

The researcher on the side responded solemnly: "His spirit is fluctuating violently, and it seems that he has been exposed to something terrible."

William Stryker frowned, stepped forward, and said, "What did you see?"

Even at this time, there was no gentleness in his voice, only coldness and disgust.

"Father! Father!"

"He's coming! He's coming!"

"What's coming?"

"He is coming! He is the end! He is destruction! He is coming! He is coming!!"


With a wailing roar of fear, Essen Stryker's eyes suddenly widened, and everything came to an abrupt end.

William Stryker's expression turned ugly: "What on earth did he see?"

"Connect to his spirit, I want to see his last memory fragments."

"Please wait, we need to reset..."

"Why bother~"

An inexplicable voice suddenly sounded, and the next moment, scarlet energy suddenly burst out from Essen Stryker's eyes, forming a pair of strange scarlet eyes in mid-air. Just by looking at these eyes, you can feel I felt a sense of fear that came from the bottom of my heart, as if every part of my body was screaming in pain.

"William Stryker, I found you~"


A dam of huge amounts, the surrounding area is filled with boiling water, and the rumbling impact of the water completely covers all nearby sounds.

Two figures came through the air and arrived above the dam.

Looking at the dam below, Locke showed some interest: "I know how to choose a place."

A bright light appeared in White Queen's eyes: "It's here! It's here! I feel it!"

"Wait, no, why didn't she give me something back?"

Locke narrowed his eyes slightly, and the projection could feel the main body, but the main body could not feel it. It may be that it was completely restricted. It is more likely that the energy of the White Queen's main body has been weakened to a certain extent.

"Let's go, we may have to move faster."

The two of them fell down and took a few steps forward. A door of huge amounts of alloy appeared in front of them. Just by the feeling of thickness and the cold metallic color, you could tell that this door was definitely not that heavy.

However, Locke just stretched out a finger, clicked, click, click... This door, which weighed at least hundreds of tons, collapsed inch by inch.


The gate completely collapsed, and what caught the eye was not a spacious passage, but rows of fully armed soldiers. Without any hesitation, rows of soldiers quickly launched attacks.

Tongues of fire were erupting, and countless bullets were pouring down on Locke and White Queen.

However, the bullets that erupted stopped only half a meter away from Locke, as if there was an invisible wave, shielding all the bullets half a meter away from Locke.

Locke waved his hand casually, and all the bullets returned at a faster speed. Blood spattered everywhere, and each of the elite soldiers was pierced like tissue paper and fell to the ground.

The two walked leisurely into the passage, and the rapid sirens continued to echo above.

Groups of soldiers continued to gather from all directions, and then fell to the ground in rows.

For Locke, no matter how many ordinary people besiege him, it means nothing.

The combat power detector worn by Locke suddenly sounded a prompt.

Combat power: 45

Rating: Second-rate on the surface

"This combat power is considered to be mid-level among the second-rate." He was a little interested, but only a little.

The next moment, a slender figure appeared in Locke's sight.

This is a woman whose age is hard to tell. She is not as plump and hot as the White Queen, and her expression is very cold. She does not look like a woman at all, but more like a cold killer or machine.

"Death Girl~" Locke raised his eyebrows.

The guy who is known as the female version of Wolverine has the same super recovery ability and Adamantium steel claws as Wolverine. Her strength is slightly inferior to Wolverine, but her sensitivity is higher. In short, she is a 50-50 equal to Wolverine.

"It has pretty good combat power. You can add Hellfire to add some background."

Looking at it like this, with a snap of the fingers, Death Girl, who had already rushed forward like a female leopard, was instantly frozen in place. A Chaos force escaped, easily capturing Death Girl's mind.


"Let's go on and see what kind of fun that guy can bring me."

In the center of the base, looking at Locke who easily subdued Death Woman through the surveillance screen, William Stryker had a look of horror in his eyes.

You know, with a configuration that is comparable to Wolverine, Death Girl can face any Mutant except Professor X and Magneto. But now he was defeated with a snap of his fingers!

"Damn, another monster-level Mutant!"

The biggest card, Eisen Stryker, has been scrapped due to inexplicable reasons. The big card of Death Girl is also gone. William Stryker simply gritted his teeth and made a ruthless move.

"Someone, detonate the bomb on the dam!"

"I want this monster to disappear together with this base!"

"Are you out of cards? You really disappointed me~" The sudden voice seemed to ring directly in my mind.


"You're looking at it, William Stryker."

William Stryker subconsciously looked up at the screen, and then saw Locke on the screen suddenly looking up at him.

The next moment, William Stryker's eyes suddenly widened.

Suddenly, Locke on the screen was glowing with a scarlet light, and then he actually walked out of the screen bit by bit.

First the hands, then the body, and finally the whole body.

"Monster!" Even William Stryker, who had seen countless Mutant Abilities, opened his eyes wide at this moment and murmured in fear and confusion.

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