Chapter 39 Red Devil

Looking at William Stryker, who had fallen into a state of confusion due to too much impact on the scene, Locke felt a little empty, and the opponent's body began to slowly burn. With another hook, a group of memories was abruptly pulled out of the opponent's brain.

After excluding other messy and useless memories, all that was left was the information related to this base. Locke's eyes suddenly lit up: "There is such an unexpected gain~"

The figure disappeared instantly, and when it reappeared, it had reappeared next to the White Queen.

"Let's go. I know where your body is. Your condition is better than I thought."

The entire base is divided into several floors. The upper floor is the research institute, the middle floor is the residence of researchers and soldiers, and the bottom floor is where many "experimental materials" are located.

Looking at the experimental subjects, who were like puppies and kittens in cages, the White Queen's face became increasingly ugly.

"That bastard should kill him more times!"

Soon, the two came to the deepest room. This room was very large and empty. The whole room was pure white. There was not even a bed in the room, only a white table, and on the table, there was a human figure. of diamonds.

Seeing this human-shaped diamond, White Queen instantly became excited. This is another ability of White Queen - diamondization!

Without any hesitation, the projection of White Queen will rush into the main body.

However, the White Queen's projection that hit it was bounced back by an inexplicable force.

"What's going on??" White Queen looked confused.

The projection is part of her power, and it can also be considered a part of her body, but now she can't integrate it?

Locke glanced at the human-shaped diamond on the table and couldn't help but admired: "As expected of you!"

"Transform into a diamond, and then forcibly seal your own mind with powerful spiritual power, putting yourself into a double sleep state of body and mind. This can not only prevent those guys from doing anything to your body, but also avoid affecting your mind through spiritual means. "

"The only problem is that even my own power can't be returned."

"so what should I do now?"

Locke smiled and said nothing, stretched out a finger, the scarlet energy lingered at the fingertips, and then stretched out a finger and submerged it into Diamond's body.

The next moment, the diamond-shaped body was forcibly eliminated.


Seeing this scene, the White Queen projection could no longer hold back and rushed into the body. This time, there was no power to stop her.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

I don't know how long it took, but the crouched White Queen suddenly opened her eyes. In an instant, a vast invisible spiritual power like a wave quickly spread crazily around her.

Locke lightly touched the combat power detector, and it was clearly visible that the White Queen's combat power began to skyrocket.

Combat power: 200…250…300…

It doubled in the blink of an eye, and finally settled at -480!

Locke smiled, this combat power should have surpassed Professor X. Definitely, it's just normal. Professor

As the surge of spiritual power gradually stabilized, the light in the White Queen's eyes slowly dissipated, and the slightly dazed gaze began to regain its luster.

"The memory is integrated..."

Before Locke finished speaking, a figure jumped up and threw himself into Locke's arms. What followed was an extremely hot and wet kiss. Locke's hands also began to move, feeling the delicate body in his arms. of perfect curves.

I have to say that this delicate body is even more beautiful than the previous projection.

Seeing that White Queen's movements were getting louder and more emotional, Locke held her down.

"Emma, ​​now is not the right time."

"So what? No one can stop us!" White Queen's eyes were hot and emotional, and she was simply charming.

Locke smiled and shook his head: "Of course no one will stop it, but, Emma, ​​if we delay it for a few more hours, your old buddy should go to see God."

White Queen was stunned for a moment when she heard this: "Old man?"

He quickly came back to his senses: "Could it be that there are still former Hellfire members in this base?"

Locke smiled and said nothing.

"who is it?"


"Riptide? Or Red Devil?"

Locke still didn't answer, he just held White Queen's slender waist, and the two of them disappeared in an instant.

When he reappeared, he had already appeared near a research platform. When the researchers around him saw the two people who suddenly appeared, they couldn't help but be stunned. In this moment, they were completely frozen in place, and then they were burned as if spontaneously burning. Drowning in scarlet flames.

The White Queen paid no attention to the researchers, her eyes fell on the blood-red figure on the experimental table.

"The Red Devil is actually this guy."

White Queen's expression was a little complicated: "I didn't expect that this guy was also arrested. He was arrested by the same organization as me."

The White Queen turned one hand into diamond, destroyed all the surrounding equipment, and put her spiritual power into the Red Devil's brain, intending to awaken the Red Devil's consciousness.

During this process, Locke used a combat power detector to observe the Red Devil.

Combat power: 78

Rating: Second-rate on the surface.

"This guy's fighting ability is higher than I thought."

In my memory, this guy seems to only have the ability to teleport, but this guy's teleportation is for group movement. Obviously, if you want to move in a group, you must have a lot of energy in your body.

"If this guy learns some close combat, he will be an excellent assassin."

While Locke was thinking, the Red Devil had slowly opened his eyes, and as his consciousness gradually awakened: "White Queen?"

White Queen smiled slightly: "You're awake, Red Devil, long time no see."

"White Queen, why did you save me? Didn't you disappear?"

"I was indeed captured before, but now I have regained my freedom, and all this is because of my dear." White Queen looked at Locke, with undisguised love in her eyes.

The red devil gave Locke a strange look. It's not like he, an immortal, didn't understand this kind of look.

"By the way, Red Devil, what happened to you? Didn't you follow Magneto? With his character, he should have saved you."


The red devil suddenly fell into silence. Obviously, there were some secrets that could not be said directly.

Looking at the red devil who didn't want to answer, the White Queen smiled inexplicably.

"Red Devil, it seems that following Magneto is not a satisfactory choice for you."

"Then, would you like to join us."

"You?" Red Devil is an immortal, so he naturally understands what White Queen means.

"Yes, us! We will rebuild Hellfire!"

"I am still the White Queen, and he will be our new Black King!"

The Red Devil did not respond, but looked at Locke silently.

Locke spoke: "Do you think I'm not as good as Xiao?"

As an immortal species, the Red Devil is naturally not an idiot. He shook his head: "I don't think so. It's just that the times now are different from those of our time."

Although he didn't say it directly, there were still some doubts behind the words. After all, the original Black King Xiao was indeed very strong!

Locke didn't care either: "If that's the case, then you should see it with your own eyes."

As soon as he finished speaking, Locke stretched out a finger and tapped the void lightly.

In an instant, the raging Chaos force suddenly spread out, pouring crazily around.

Under the red devil's horrified gaze, the table, the equipment, everything disappeared, followed by the room, and outside the room...

The scarlet Chaos force is like a torrent that has lost its valve, raging crazily and surging towards every corner.

A few minutes later, everything in the entire base was reduced to nothing!

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all the fanfic is 30-chapter ahead and you will get 1 chapter every day