Chapter 40 Surrender

The entire base has completely disappeared, and all the soldiers and researchers in the base have been wiped out. Only the individuals who were used as experimental subjects survived.

This was like a miracle created by the gods, leaving the red devil speechless for a long time.

When it comes to destructive power, it is not impossible for Black King Xiao, who absorbed nuclear energy at his peak, to be able to do it.

However, between this effortless and casual attitude, and Black King Xiao's explosive display of power, you can tell who is stronger and who is weaker with just your toes.

Not to mention, this person can automatically distinguish between friend and foe and kill all enemies without harming the children at all. This ability is like a miracle!

Therefore, after only a moment of silence, the Red Devil slowly knelt down on one knee and offered the most noble courtesy. This ancient Mutant offered his loyalty at this moment.

Seeing this scene, a look of satisfaction appeared on Locke's face.

The origin of the Red Devil is very unusual. He has lived for thousands of years, making him one of the oldest Mutants in the world!

Thousands of years have passed, and even if there is some lack of strength, the thousand years of experience can more than make up for it.

More importantly, the Red Devil has experienced thousands of years of hard work, and his mental strength is much stronger than that of the average Mutant. His 78 combat power is not because he can only reach 78, but because Mutant has no clear path to become stronger. His Ability can only developed to this point.

Once he joined Hellfire and obtained the meditation technique, his speed in practicing meditation would definitely be much faster than others.

This guy has the potential to step into the top ranks.


White Queen looked at this scene with a smile: "Red Devil, we can work together again."

The Red Devil raised his head and glanced at the White Queen: "White Queen, you seem to have changed a lot."

White Queen nodded: "As expected of you. You have lived for thousands of years. Although you have no spiritual ability, the spirit honed for thousands of years makes you more sensitive than ordinary Mutants."

"I am indeed much stronger now than before."

"Oh~" the red devil's eyes lit up: "Then how strong are you now?"

"How strong?" White Queen said calmly: "It's time to change the title of the world's number one spiritual master from Professor X."

The red devil's eyes instantly shrank and he exclaimed in shock: "You have surpassed Professor X!!"

Although many Mutants are disgusted with Professor X's character, no Mutant will question the power of Professor

Who would have thought that White Queen, who has always been suppressed by Professor X, would actually surpass Professor X in speaking.

"How did you do that?" the Red Devil said excitedly. Everyone is eager to become stronger, especially the Mutant group, which advocates the pursuit of powerful power.

White Queen did not respond, but glanced at Locke standing aside with eyes full of fascination.

The Red Devil still didn't understand the reason, and suddenly looked at Locke excitedly: "Boss, can you also make me stronger?"

Locke nodded and said calmly: "Our new Hellfire does have a clear method for Mutant to become stronger. If it reaches the extreme, it will be enough to rival Mutant Bipolar. And I will not hesitate to share these with the members of Hellfire."


The Red Devil became more and more excited. The more a Mutant like him has lived for a long time, the more he understands the natural barriers brought by Mutant Ability. If it doesn't work, it just won't work. If your Ability is not strong enough, it will be useless no matter how hard you try. Even after a thousand years of hard work, he could only kneel down without any resistance in front of those new mutants with incredible abilities.

So, without any hesitation, the Red Devil dropped to one knee again.

"Boss, please give me an order. Your order will be the direction of my future attacks!"

Already he admired Locke's power, and now he heard that Locke could make Mutant stronger, the Red Devil's loyalty suddenly exploded, not to mention reaching the level of die-hard loyalty, but it was almost the same.

Locke was very satisfied with the Red Devil's attitude and turned to glance aside: "So, where are you two~"

The one Locke glanced at was Death Girl, who had been following Locke silently before. She looked like the most useful puppet, but in fact, with the blow that destroyed the base, Locke had already released Death Girl's control. .

What's the point of controlling a puppet? With Locke's strength, he can create creations that are no less than second-rate at any time. What he wants is the true loyalty of these guys.

After only a few seconds of silence, these dead women, who were as silent as icebergs, also knelt down on one knee: "Boss, Yuriko Koyama will be your sharpest knife!"

Yuriko Koyama, the death girl, was betrayed by her father, used as experimental material, and forcibly manipulated. Even her own consciousness was not her own. Her life was a tragedy.

Now facing a being who could save her, restore her consciousness, and be incomparably powerful, and even make herself stronger, her surrender was almost without surprise.

"I don't like the name Yuriko Koyama." Locke said casually, for no other reason than that he didn't like those people who had a good life.

"Then I will be the Death Girl from now on!"

Locke nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at the last place. There was actually no one there. It looked like Locke was looking at a ball of air.


"What about you? Still unwilling to respond to me?"

Only the White Queen, who has powerful psychic power, can detect that there is a strange psychic power there.

Silence, a long silence, a long time before any sound came out.

"I don't know, I'm confused."

Locke was not surprised when he heard this. Even if the tragedy was like Death Girl, she was only betrayed by her father. The guy who just spoke was different. He was personally sent to the experimental platform by his own father!

If tragedy could be divided into levels, this guy would definitely be at full level.

"Then just follow me first, watch slowly and think slowly."


The reason why Locke is so generous is naturally because this tragic child is different. Illusion master Ison Stryker, son of William Stryker, this tragic and miserable guy is truly a top-notch person on the surface!

Even if it's just a first-class, first-class is a first-class, this guy is enough to be called the third strongest psychic master in Mutant.

The most important thing is that this third one is Professor X, because his Ability is a psychic variant - five-sense control!

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