Chapter 41 Hellfire Emblem

In the early morning, the slightly rising sun dispelled the darkness. The sunlight penetrated through the window and shone on an undulating quilt. The quilt was very ordinary, but what was extraordinary was the hot and delicate body that was holding up the quilt.

Locke stood up wearing a bathrobe, his perfect abdominal muscles like marble sculptures were clearly on display.

He walked to the balcony and sat on the sofa, letting the morning breeze blow gently on his face.

One hand was spread out, and in the palm of the hand, there were groups of extremely complex scarlet lines swirling and surrounding each other, intertwining into a complex picture.

The sliding door of the balcony behind him was pushed open, and the hot body that had been enjoyed in every possible way last night was pressed against Locke's back.

"I thought you would sleep a little longer."

"I'm really tired all over. My dear, you were as strong as a beast last night."

Locke turned over and held the White Queen's hot body in his arms, enjoying the wonderful touch of this queen-like beauty.

"Honey, what are you doing?"

Locke's open hand continued to weave complex scarlet patterns, which aroused the White Queen's curiosity.

"I'm making a little thing."


"The emblem of the new Hellfire."

"Aren't you going to use playing cards?"

Locke smiled: "Do you hope that the members of the New Hellfire will deliberately bring a playing card in order to identify themselves?"


White Queen looked at Locke's palm: "So, you created a special kind of playing card?"

"Forget it, let me show you and you will understand. Although it is only a semi-finished product now, it is still barely usable."

As Locke finished speaking, light shone like a kaleidoscope in his palm. After a moment, the complex and intertwined patterns appeared as a whole, becoming something like a medal.

It is about the same size as the badge hanging on the chest. On the surface, it looks like half a playing card. This one is the Jack of Spades. There is a deep red flame around the playing card, giving people a strange and coquettish feeling. .

"It looks pretty good."

"This thing should be more than just appearance, right?"

"Well, every Hellfire Badge comes with its own owner-recognition program. Once touched by someone other than the owner, the mental shock inside it will be triggered automatically."

"In addition, depending on the level, each badge also comes with different levels of crisis protection abilities, which can trigger a layer of protective cover at critical moments to protect the badge user. These two are just the basic abilities of the badge."

"Is there any further ability?"

"Emma, ​​you can try putting your psychic powers into it."

Upon hearing this, White Queen put a ray of spiritual power into it, and instantly, a strange picture appeared in White Queen's sight.

Current codename: Jack of Spades

Points: 0

Current authority: Level 2

Permission store: not enabled


"Is this?" There was obvious surprise in White Queen's eyes.

"Needless to say the code name, points will be the internal currency of Hellfire in the future. Everyone who completes tasks or contributes to Hellfire can obtain certain points. With points, you can purchase various extraordinary items."

"For example, those extraordinary potions discovered by Tom, "Knight's Breathing Technique", "Spiritual Meditation Technique" and so on."

"The permission store allows every Hellfire Badge owner to know what items he or she has purchased based on the permission level, as well as the prices of the items, etc."

White Queen took a deep breath: "Dear, I have read the novels you prepared for Tom before. Is this the system mentioned in those works?"

Locke smiled and nodded: "Yes, this is indeed equivalent to a low-level system."

White Queen's eyes began to shine: "My dear, you are simply a genius!"

After this thing is made, no matter how sincere or not, as long as it only requires one task to become stronger, the other party will absolutely obey the instructions.

"However, dear, the pricing, storage, etc. of goods must be strictly controlled. That will be our core foundation in the future!"

Locke gently pinched the White Queen's pretty nose and smiled slightly: "You shouldn't tell me this. That's what you, the queen, should do in the future."

The White Queen couldn't help but be stunned. The next moment, she leaned forward and gave her a passionate kiss.

Obtaining these rights is almost equivalent to handing over the entire Hellfire to the White Queen. This kind of trust, even the original Black King would never be able to achieve. How could the White Queen not be moved by this.

After a moment, a ray of silver was pulled away from each other, and the White Queen, whose charming eyes were almost dripping with water, shook her head.

"My dear, I'm touched by your faith in me, but it's not necessary."

"Absolute power, integrate breeds absolute ambition, and absolute arrogance."


"The release of tasks, the storage of extraordinary items, and the determination of the value of items. These three most core rights need to be separated. Even for me, it is best to only master one."

Locke was noncommittal, but there was an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth: "So, which one do you want?"

"Any one is fine, dear, whichever one you think I'm suitable for."

Locke fell into thinking about the release (command) power, logistics, and pricing power. Logistics Locke had already had an idea. When Jerry's family arrived, they would be a family of File size, but each family would have unparalleled abilities. Who can be more suitable for logistics than them? As for the problem of rats stealing things, let them do it. A group of fist-sized rats can eat as much as they want!

Of the remaining two, White Queen can actually be used.

After thinking about it, Locke said: "Publish it, this one is more suitable for you."

The White Queen's smile became more and more charming. Among the three rights, the release of tasks was obviously relatively larger, which was equivalent to the right to directly command all Hellfire members.

"Honey, what about the remaining two? Honey, you'd better think about it carefully."

Locke nodded: "I already have a goal to take charge of the storage of items, but it will take some time. As for the last thing..."

Locke's look couldn't help but reveal something strange. Pricing requires not only certain financial knowledge, but more importantly, the ability to clarify the true value of various items. To clarify the value, you first need to understand what it is. What role does it play? It even has the ability to analyze targets at any time.

And if you want to do this, what is more suitable than the Chaos force that is in charge of creation?

Thinking like this, Locke couldn't help but raise his head and look in one direction.

"Speaking of which, it's time to solve her problem."

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