Interlude 9.00

Celeste pov

The halls were filled with the suffering sighs of students. Each of them wore cumbersome robes, lugging around giant bags filled with regents and books. I felt a tinge of pity for them. Just a tinge.

But given that I was forced to wear their same outfit, sans the books and regents, I felt my ire justified. Just because I didn't have to carry those things doesn't mean that their robes still weren't the worst to wear.

And it wasn't even like I had to be here in disguise. It just felt more natural… more of a statement to do this rather than to show myself in casual clothes marred by dirt and blood. I kept an even smile as I made my way to the nearest storage.

It was a small little place with several locks, both magical and mundane. The mundane parts were easy, a small tap and an exertion of force and voila, they were open. The magical security was a bit more tricky.