Interlude 16.00

Sylvia pov

My heart practically leapt from my stomach as the cage around me opened. I felt the stabbing sensation as my body gasped for one last breath, the pain of a thousand needles as I expired against the cold… cold ground.

I reached for the nearest object, if only to still the pounding headache that developed so readily. I… I- Hah- I- My fingers reached my forehead, trying to coax comfort out of the panic that so consumed me.

But- But it didn't work. My fingers pushed against the capsule, my legs tried to reach the bathroom. I wasn't fast enough, knees weak and the worst panic I had felt in my entire life. It all culminated into a gag that threw my previous nights food onto the floor.

I- I tried so hard to stand again but I was forced to my knees, then to my hands as I crouched over the pile of vomit.