Interlude 17.00

Sylvia pov

Everything was set in short order. Samson did a wonderful job buying me a house and having it decorated within the day. Amazing what can happen when you just throw money at a problem. And in the next day I would have a dozen more people coming to live over in Hawaii with me. It was quite easy to convince them to uproot their lives and come live in hotels while I let them get set up.

Mmm~ Amazing what could happen when you promise them six figure salaries and their families excellent insurance and everything. The whole ordeal. Quite easy to get stuff done. Which was why I was able to relax to the slight humm of the engine as the plane took off.

It would be about ten hours or so until we landed and while I waited I had enough entertainment and work to do in equal measures to keep me busy. First and foremost was getting a measure of the political scene of the country I would be spawning in.