Su Yunjin made a suggestion.
Whether the second sister and Wang Meng would accept this suggestion was up to them. It was said that Wang Meng had gone to the town to buy a horse carriage. Su Yunjin smiled and said, "Second sister, I didn't realize brother-in-law's family was so well-off. Not only does he have the money to open a store, but he also has the funds to buy a horse carriage!" Wang Meng was mainly the only son in his family.
The money he earned was all kept for himself. Over the years of hunting, he had also accumulated a considerable amount of family wealth. Su Ningxiu smiled, "Little sister, my husband and I have a few hundred pieces of silver. It's more than enough to buy a horse carriage and open a store." Su Ningxiu didn't keep it a secret from her little sister, Su Yunjin, as she was not an outsider.