Chapter 124 Seeking the Elk Goddess in the Unknown Land - Did Something Go Wrong? (10k)_4

First and foremost was the Elk Divine Hall.

He passed directly through this complex cluster of lines and then entered the street.

People walked past Jiang Lu, or directly through him. When they got close enough, Jiang Lu could clearly hear their thoughts and feel their emotions, whether good or evil, as they surged into his mind, seemingly intent on destroying his sanity as they flooded into his head.

Fortunately, Jiang Lu had always been a person who insisted on his self-identity. Even when there were loud calls around his ears, he always let them in one ear and out the other, so even the collective thoughts of Hypiriel were not enough to sway him one bit.

Moreover, this situation did not last too long. Before long, his perspective began to rise gradually, and soon he could encompass the whole of Hypiriel in his field of vision.

Jiang Lu felt like he had become a god, an omnipotent god who could hear the thoughts of everyone.