Chapter 124 Seeking the Elk Goddess in the Unknown Land - Did Something Go Wrong? (10k)_5

So Jiang Lu could only try to slow down his exploration and consciously avoid some relatively large objects.

After an unknown period of time, Jiang Lu felt as if he had hit a wall.

It was then that Jiang Lu realized that he must have reached the limit of the distance that the magic Array could provide for exploration.

Considering that the Elk Goddess had once left an anchor point, the territory that the High Priest said was covered, which included all known unknown places, must have included the area where the Elk Goddess existed.

If it wasn't that the Elk Goddess had died or disappeared for some reason, then he certainly would have passed by.

Thus, Jiang Lu began to walk along the air wall towards the unexplored other side.

Regarding changing his route, Jiang Lu didn't hold much hope, but paradoxically, he hadn't walked for a few hours before a sense of familiarity suddenly appeared in his heart.

He looked towards the right front, following the vague guidance.