Chapter 7: Is This Making Enemies?

Typing on the keyboard, Wu Jie quickly sent a group message.

"A processing fee? Damn! Old classmates and you still have the nerve to charge a processing fee? Can't the total price be reduced? I can only scrape together 1.8 million!"

As soon as the message was sent, the system delivered more good news.

[System: Gained 2 points of jealousy from Dai Fei]


Jealous again?

Wu Jie opened Dai Fei's reply and almost laughed out loud when he heard the voice message.

"Aiyoh Jie, I already gave you a discount! The processing fee is charged at the company's minimum standard, and as for the total price of the house, I will try to negotiate with the homeowner on your behalf. When are you free to come by and discuss the contract?"

Wu Jie quickly responded, "No time!"

Two succinct words, absolutely thunderous.


[System: Gained 4 points of hatred from Dai Fei]

As expected!

Dai Fei quickly sent a long string of angry and cleaver emojis, followed by a message.

"Morals!! Are you f*cking playing me?"

Wu Jie laughed heartily and typed a response, "I'm just playing you, who asked you to bombard the chat with messages every day? I get annoyed just looking at it!"

Dai Fei shot back furiously, "Damn! If you don't want to see, just block me! Why the hell play tricks with me? Talking about buying a house, I bet you'll spend your life only able to afford a shared rental!"

Wu Jie grinned and shook his head.

I'll eventually live in a big villa now that I'm possessed by the system!

Can't afford a house? Hmph, what I'm considering is how many to buy, how many buildings to purchase!!

Without hesitating, he blocked Dai Fei, and then incredibly, many silent old classmates popped up in the group chat, each one tagging Wu Jie and sending thumbs-up emojis.

Then... Dai Fei left the group.

But with his departure, the group suddenly livened up.

Deng Hua: "I've been annoyed by Dai Fei for a while, him leaving is a relief!"

Ding Chun: "Morals is awesome! Actually able to buy a house, uppercase RESPECT!"

Chen Yong: "Prostrate before millionaire Morals!"


The group messages kept coming, as did the system notifications.

Although they were mostly envy +1, it was better than nothing!

Within just a few minutes, Wu Jie had racked up a dozen energy points.

After messing around in the class group, Wu Jie moved on to other groups.

In each group, Wu Jie posted a dynamic beauty GIF he'd saved for a long time.

The GIF starts with several beauties morphing continuously, and then suddenly, a bloody skull pops up.

Wu Jie nearly wet himself the first time he saw it.

And when he sent out the GIF, the effect was astonishing.

Less than five minutes...

Wu Jie was kicked out of four groups.

Of course.

His gains were solid too, racking up dozens of people's hatred and earning over two hundred energy points.

Basically seeing a lot of 'hatred +4', you could tell from this that birds of a feather flock together, they're all a bunch of losers.

Bored, Wu Jie was indefatigable when receiving scam calls and messages, vigorously confronting them.

"Hello, Brother Zhang, are you still applying for loans recently? Our service is professional, honest, and quick, offering unsecured loans up to 500,000, with same day disbursement..."

"That's great! I'm under control now, hurry up and send me 500,000!"


"Notice, your social security card has shown anomalies, and will be frozen and disabled. If you want to resolve this, please follow the voice prompt instructions..."

"Can you make that electronic voice sound a bit more professional? Did it pass the second-level class A Mandarin test?"


"Hello, a consumption of 200,000 has been made with your bank card overseas. May I ask if it was you who made the transaction?"

"Damn! Could you send me a screenshot? I've never been abroad, I'd love to show off on my social media!"


"Good day sir, I am a transportation surveyor from XX Insurance Company. May I ask what kind of transportation do you normally use for commuting?"



"Your girlfriend has been hit by a car, she's in the hospital for emergency treatment, send 20,000 yuan quickly to save her life, the account number is..."

"An inflatable one can be sent for emergency treatment in a hospital?"


He acted fierce as a tiger, only to earn a meager 250 in the end.

These damn scammers, damn it, the energy points are too few!

Can't there be some badass characters who are green with envy at Jie?

Thinking of this, Wu Jie started to miss the overbearing CEO Tang Xiao a bit.

Hating her once would be ten thousand energy points in one go!

But, having kissed her only once, he was caught and made into a backup boyfriend.

And a freaking online backup boyfriend at that, should it be abbreviated to—"Cloud Backup Boyfriend"?

Wu Jie suddenly felt a bit wronged.

But, a sucker for money, he couldn't pass up the easy earn—hundred bucks a message, it was just too easy to make money.

Opening a web page, Wu Jie began searching for various tutorials on picking up girls.

If he was to pretend to be a couple, he had to make it look real enough.

Even a backup boyfriend had to cultivate the self-restraint of a backup boyfriend!

Wu Jie paid particular attention to daily couple conversations, especially those with chat screenshots, to see how others did it, learn from them, and use them when chatting with Tang Xiao in the future.

Time flew by, and soon it was time to leave work.

The office suddenly became lively, then quickly quieted down.

Wu Jie wasn't in a rush to join the throng to catch the bus or subway, instead, he took out his phone and sent a message to Tang Xiao.

"Off work now, what do you want to eat tonight?"


The ten-word message was sent out, and a hundred bucks were in hand.

Truly, every word was worth its weight in gold.

What Wu Jie didn't expect, though, was that Tang Xiao replied very soon.

"Still in a meeting, sort out your own dinner! Mwah!"

"Yo ho! She even knows how to say mwah, not bad at all!"

Wu Jie originally wanted to reply with an emoji, but then thought better of it.

A hundred bucks per emoji, that was a bit too much, especially since she said she was in a meeting, right?

Packing away his phone, Wu Jie shut down his computer, clocked out, and left for the day.

On his way, he found a courier service and sent a big package of medicine back to his parents in his hometown.

Back in his shared rental, he had just turned on his computer when a friend's chat window popped up.

"Moral integrity! Ball-busting streamer Alin is live, watch the ball game, stat!"

The message was from his bro Xu Wei, nicknamed the Black Pupil King, who was living off the rent from a few apartments he got as compensation from his family's house demolition. He was addicted to live streaming and waiting to die, the very definition of an idle loafer.

Before his family's demolition, he'd been hurt by a materialistic girl, and now he refused to date, no matter what.

But Xu Wei had good taste; the streamers he recommended were always pretty good.

Wu Jie sent a casual message, and was soon taken aback as the system continuously brought good news.

Holy crap! Am I drawing hatred just like that?


Inside the live streaming room.

The comment section was bustling and the popularity was through the roof.

The fairly famous streamer Alin was performing with gusto.

Over one hundred thousand viewers were watching with utmost excitement that bordered on hysteria.

All of a sudden, a newcomer dared to suggest that the streamer had gotten plastic surgery.

This was like stirring up a hornet's nest.

The barrage of curses came fast and furious in the comment section, and naturally, the system kept bringing Wu Jie good news.

[System: Gao Xiang's hatred +4]

[System: Wang Yong's hatred +10]

[System: Sun Wencai's hatred +20]


As the system announced good news one after another, Wu Jie found it hard to smile.

Because the live streaming room was filled with all kinds of cursing and personal attacks.

What's the situation?

Besides, was there really a need for such a frenzied attack over a mere doubt?

Wu Jie was speechless, and at that moment he received a message from Lu Wei.

"Holy shit! I told you to watch the game politely, why the hell did you doubt her? I've scrutinized her carefully myself, does she look like she's had plastic surgery?"

Wu Jie quickly replied, "Just asking casually, is there anything wrong with that?"

Xu Wei: "..."

Closing the chat window, Wu Jie turned back to the live streaming room.

By that time, not many people were cursing anymore, because a rich guy had just sent a series of rocket cars and fireworks, and the barrage had already drowned out Wu Jie's questioning message.

However, the streamer Alin was pouting her lips, her face a picture of grief about to cry.

It looked as if Wu Jie had taken liberties with her, evoking feelings of sympathy...