Chapter 8: The Beautiful Anchor!

"I've already shown the hospital physical examination certificate before; my body is completely real. I've never had any surgery, and yet today I'm still being questioned... boo hoo hoo..."

Broadcaster Alin cried and cooed, her soft and sticky voice sounding like a complaint.

For a moment, the barrage of comments in the live chat went completely crazy.

"Who the hell dares to question Alin again, beware my 40-meter-long knife doesn't recognize you!"

"Vice-captain, where the fuck is your Italian cannon?"

"Those saying Alin had plastic surgery, I can hold back my shit and pee but not you! Believe it or not, I'll slap you against the wall, and you won't be peeled off!"

"Alin, don't cry! Come into brother's arms!"


The barrage was moving too quickly for Wu Jie to keep up.

And with the occasional wealthy patrons sending gifts, it became even harder to see.

Wu Jie couldn't be bothered to comment, and after waiting for a while until things calmed down, he realized that broadcaster Alin hadn't been crying at all.

"Thank you everyone for your support. The more others question me, the more determined I am to be myself! Next, for the fans who have steadfastly supported me, I'll dance to a Crip-Crip song, hope everyone likes it! Mwah!"

Broadcaster Alin blew a kiss, then faced the camera and began to dance along with the music.

Her figure wasn't particularly tall, but she was winsome in appearance.

As the music pumped and she danced passionately, the viewers quickly got riled up again.

While dancing, broadcaster Alin still kept an eye on the screen.

"Ah... Thank you Kai for the rocket, thank you Water Buffalo for the sports car… Love you guys, Emma..."

Her sweet smile and the soft, mellow voice.

Many supporters were sending various gifts and barrages of comments, and such explosive popularity made Alin even more excited. She performed several extremely difficult dance moves in a row, making the live room bustle with activity.

Wu Jie was a bit speechless.

"Earning a thousand bucks in minutes, that's fucking easy money!"

"So questioning her actually gave her a chance to play the pity card?"

"If she were really angry, she would mute me, but she didn't... Heh, interesting!!"

Wu Jie stroked his chin, thinking since it was a win-win situation, why not continue?

Decided, Wu Jie started to type furiously on the keyboard.

He deliberately waited until broadcaster Alin sat down to start answering questions in the comment section before he sent his message.

"I don't believe all this, dare you show your physical exam report?"

As expected, the message caused trouble again.

Alin started to put on the act of someone about to cry, a real drama queen.

"Hmph! Why are you questioning me again? You don't believe it, right? Fine, I'll show the report right now!"

Alin started to play the victim and complain again, resulting in a lot of the viewers furiously cursing and raging.

Watching the various insults and verbal abuse, Wu Jie didn't feel the slightest ripple in his heart and even felt like having a drink to celebrate.

Bring it on!


More than a hundred thousand people? Why are so few cursing?

Could it be that the online viewer count is rigged, with plenty of fake followers?

Wu Jie couldn't care less whether Alin's report was Photoshopped or not; this wave of attracting hate made her money and earned him more than a thousand energy points.

Time to switch battlefields!

Wherever the popularity is high and the audience is big, that's where Wu Jie would spring to.

"Oh my! Another broadcaster with a hundred thousand viewers online, could it be more fake followers everywhere?"

Wu Jie quickly glanced over the live room; the broadcaster was singing very focused, with many viewers commenting. There weren't many gifts, but there were plenty of free flowers.

Thick makeup and colored contacts, beauty filters, and the face-thinning feature on.

So the broadcaster's face was as white as mutton fat jade, lips red as blood, truly a sight full of the feeling of collagen.

And the most speechless thing was her singing.

Hammering away at the keyboard, Wu Jie quickly questioned:

"Since you've beautified your face, why not use a voice changer? Others sing for money, but you're singing for lives!"

After the comment was sent, the broadcaster embarrassing stopped singing and repeatedly apologized.

Wu Jie thought this would provoke the fans' hatred, but what was the result?

"Haha, here comes an honest man, let's bully him!"

"Are you new here, buddy?"

"You've come to the wrong place if you're here to listen to music!"

"The broadcaster only just started singing, she used to dance, newbie!!"


Spicy chicken!

Didn't even get a single enemy, but ended up being ridiculed instead.

Wu Jie quickly disappeared and found a live game stream with lots of popularity.

The audience was huge, barrages of comments flying, endless remarks.

Quite the hot spot huh!

Oh, they're doing a battle royale!

But it was clear the beautiful host's skills weren't that good, which is why a lot of self-proclaimed experts were giving all sorts of advice.

"Told you to play safe and not to show off, now you've exposed yourself? Run for it!"

"Run to the zone! Run to the zone! Quick!"

"Hide, don't move around so much!"

"Don't rush to pick up gear! Damn, what do you need a frying pan for? To cook?"

"That marksmanship is something else, aiming on faith alone huh!"


After watching for a while, the beautiful host Xin'er still spectacularly bit the dust.

"Come on, a 'Goodbye' song for Xin'er!"

Wu Jie casually left a comment.

Who would have expected that without any intention of making enemies, he was now truly hated by some.

Ding Ding Ding… the system kept notifying him of good news.

What's this all about?

Wu Jie quickly focused on the live stream.

"What kind of crappy 'Goodbye'? Do you know how hard Xin'er works?"

"Trash! Dare to challenge me to a fight?"

"Xin'er has improved a lot, at least she didn't die on impact this time!"

"Sophisticated hater! Please spare me!"

"Dumb troll, roll away!"


Wu Jie was beyond speechless.

Totally unintentional, and yet he had accrued the ire of so many fans.

The host Xin'er hadn't said a word until she changed the screen, and when Wu Jie caught his first glimpse of Xin'er, he was stunned.

No beauty filters! No live stream effects!

And even... no makeup!

Xin'er had delicate willow-leaf eyebrows and a melon-seed face, skin so fine it seemed it could be broken by a blow, and a pair of watery, spirited dark eyes that were expressive and lively.

Her dark and lovely hair was tied up in a braid, complemented by a khaki women's shirt, giving her a very fresh and capable appearance.

She had a certain heroic air about her, which matched the military enthusiast decor of her room.

Posters of various firearms were plastered on the wall, and even the pillow on the bed was a wheeled armored vehicle.

Turns out she's a military enthusiast beauty!

After taking a sip of water, Xin'er said with a smile, "Who was it just now who wanted to send me off with a 'Goodbye'? If you're really good at this, why not lead me?"

With a charming smile, she was alluring and lovely!

If Tang Xiao was icy and proud, then Tang Xin was youthful and spirited!

Wu Jie's heartbeat sped up in an instant, his throat became dry, and his eyes were fixated; as for the envious system notifications, they no longer mattered.


Why did this Xin'er look a bit like Tang Xiao, the beautiful CEO?

Wait a minute!

Wu Jie's eyes widened as he focused on the nightstand in Xin'er's room, which had a framed photograph.

What a pity!

The monitor's resolution was too low to see clearly who was in the picture.

But considering her full-on military enthusiast vibe, surname Tang, and being from Tianyuan City, there was a chance she might know Tang Xiao.

The moment this thought crossed his mind, Wu Jie immediately checked Tang Xiao's social platform moments.

Unfortunately, there were no photos in the recent three days' updates, but her profile picture seemed increasingly familiar.

Could it be, she and Tang Xiao are sisters?