Chapter 10: Awesome Sisters!

Charging in was indeed a death sentence!

The enemies hiding on the other side of the house took out two players with a grenade on the spot.

Wu Jie didn't dare linger and immediately hopped on his motorcycle to make a frantic escape.

The best plan is often to retreat!

After getting some distance and hearing no gunshots, he slowed down to scavenge equipment from buildings, decisively chose to grow stronger without fighting, and incredibly held on until the final round only to be taken down by a joint effort.

The entire process was harrowingly difficult; Xin'er and her two companions, along with many viewers in the live stream, were perspiring with anxiety.

Although she didn't clinch the victory, her kill count and survival time were all top-notch. It was truly a slap in the face.

As for the live streaming room, the chat was already flying with messages.

Bro, you're the real deal, masquerading as the pig to eat the tiger, a creepy master, skills so sick...

While Wu Jie was raking in waves of envy and admiration, Xin'er actually exclaimed loudly, "Let's play another round and aim for the win!"

What? Again?

What do "sick skills" mean anyway? It's all just creepily clinging on for dear life.

Play again, and you won't even know how you died.

Moreover, Wu Jie's mission tonight was to troll live streams and garner hatred to earn energy points; that was the main agenda.

Xin'er's live stream audience had already showered him with enough envy and hatred; there was no need to linger.

"Something came up, I can't play anymore. You guys go on without me!"

Wu Jie exited the game, ready to switch to another stream.

But who would have thought!

That single sentence had immediately caused a huge mess.

Tang Xiao, who was getting ready to start a new game, was stunned, and the two other players were completely dumbfounded.

And in Xin'er's streaming room, the chat instantly exploded.

"Holy shit! Dude, are you out of your mind? Are you freaking stupid?"

Big Knife Bro immediately let loose a torrent of curses.

"Playing with Xin'er is something countless people dream of! And you actually don't want to play anymore. What's that about, you looking down on us?"

The chicken-dinner specialists roared with a fury that could frighten anyone.

They were connected to Xin'er with in-game voice chat, so everything they said could be heard directly by all the viewers.

And the viewers who had to type their responses using keyboards or phones were slightly slower to react.

But soon enough, the barrage of messages and comments was overwhelming.

"Damn! I've never seen someone this uninterested!"

"So cocky! So badass! Absolutely earth-shattering!"

"You're breaking my heart, mate! If you're too busy to play, let me have a go! I'm a professional substitute, for crying out loud!"

"Xin'er, don't cry. Just add me as a friend, I'll play with you until the oceans dry up and rocks crumble!"

"Is your house on fire, or are you suddenly about to die? What a letdown!!"

"Not clinching victory and still so arrogant; if you'd won, would you fly into the heavens?"


This sudden chaos left Xin'er somewhat dazed.

The viewers were discussing fervently, the chat was clouded with messages, and some even sent gifts to console her.

Ever since she started live streaming, she had never experienced such high popularity.

And Wu Jie also felt a bit awkward. He wasn't any gaming expert and thought it pointless to continue playing; it was just a casual comment.

Who would have known, that could offend people too!

The system notifications of joy kept rolling in, with hatred points adding up: +4, +8, +10...

There were even +100s.

From this, one could tell how many people dreamt of clinching a chicken dinner with Xin'er.

Wu Jie not agreeing to another round with Xin'er was indeed too hateful.


Once words are out, they can't be taken back like water flung out of a cup.

And the game was already closed!

Since he had already earned the hatred of countless people, might as well continue, right?

Wu Jie couldn't be bothered to switch his live streaming room; he wanted to see what kind of crazy things the viewers could come up with.

Big Knife Bro and the chicken dinner pro kept blabbering nonstop.

Xin'er finally came to her senses, quickly closed the game, and returned to the live stream room.

"The video feed is offline. It appears there was an emergency like diarrhea visits to the toilet, a wife or girlfriend checking in, etc. It's quite normal for someone to go AFK and log off during a game. Nobody should personally attack him; it's just a game, so let's not harm the camaraderie!"

"Also, thank you all for the gifts. We've played several rounds of games tonight, and you guys are probably tired of watching. How about I sing a song to change things up? After that, we'll pick three viewers randomly, and then continue with a squad of four! Here's 'Cool' for everyone!"

Smart and sensible Xin'er changed the atmosphere of the live stream room with just a few words.

Especially her last phrase, "Here's 'Cool' for everyone," instantly made many viewers burst out laughing.

The barrage of comments rolled in, full of various "666," "2333," "You hit me right in the feels, Xin'er..."

Xin'er successfully controlled the pace, played with the emotions of the audience, and livened up the atmosphere.

As for Wu Jie, he was in a terrible spot!

The rapidly increasing energy points suddenly came to a halt.

Xin'er's beautiful singing began, and with her pretty, delicate looks and melodious voice, people's thoughts shifted. Who would still hate Wu Jie?

The energy points stopped skyrocketing and came to an abrupt end.

Wu Jie really couldn't find it funny. After listening to the wonderful song, he also had no interest in continuing to watch Xin'er lead her team to victory in the game.

He switched to another livestream to find ways to draw attention, feeling envy, jealousy, and hatred — all kinds of emotions were fine.

He'd been so busy that he lost track of time until Tang Xiao sent a voice call, and Wu Jie realized it was already past midnight.

Tang Xiao: "What are you doing?"

Her voice, though still cold and haughty, was at least a bit more feminine.

It was noticeable that Tang Xiao was trying hard to learn, to become a bit more ladylike, a bit softer.

Wu Jie: "After work what can I do? It's either browsing livestreams, playing games, or reading novels. How about you?"

"I plan to take a bath and then sleep."

Tang Xiao's tone was obviously still very stiff.

She had never been in a relationship. Whether in the military or after being discharged and working in the company, she was straightforward and concise, valuing brevity.

Suddenly asking her to be gentle and talk like a woman in love was proving to be a bit difficult.

As for Wu Jie...

He was also troubled!

This wasn't a real couple, so how should he continue the conversation?

Was he supposed to ask Tang Xiao to start the video and livestream her bath? That's a joke!

"Yeah! Taking baths is good for your body, it can help relieve the pain from your waist injury!"

Tang Xiao: "Can we not talk about it? Always hitting right where it hurts, you just like to rub salt in the wound!"

Wu Jie laughed: "Whether I mention it or not, your injury is still there. Make sure to take care of yourself in the future, don't get into fights so easily."

Tang Xiao: "Enough, we're just pretending to be a couple for the voice call, so stop picking on me!"

Wu Jie: "Since that's the case, then I must correct one thing! In the future, let's switch to video calls!"

"Why?" Tang Xiao's voice rose several octaves.

Wu Jie said loudly: "Madam CEO! Please use your wise and mighty brain to think, if we are to appear like an inseparable couple, who would stick to voice calls instead of video chats? Are we afraid to spend data on a love affair?"

Tang Xiao fell silent.

After a while, she suddenly said: "When you video chat, you won't secretly record it, will you?"

"Come on!" Wu Jie couldn't help but retort: "Since it's all pretend, we can just set the phone aside during a video call, right? Under the pillow, inside the blanket... wherever you want, we're just forging the chat history!"

"Uh... you're right, I'm inexperienced; let's do it again!"

Tang Xiao hung up the voice call and soon sent a video call invite.

Wu Jie accepted it immediately, only to see an astonishingly beautiful face. Her delicate features didn't require any makeup for her to be stunning.

It was just a pity that before he could admire her more, it all went dark.

"Done as you said, I've put it under the pillow. I'll turn it off in half an hour."

While he couldn't see her, Wu Jie could still hear Tang Xiao's voice.

"Uh... alright!"

Wu Jie was just about to put down his phone when he suddenly heard a familiar voice from the other end.

"Sis, come online and help me, I got to win the chicken dinner tonight!"

This crisp and pleasant voice, if not from the pretty live streamer Tang Xin, then who could it be?