Chapter 11 Relying on My Own Abilities to Be Single!

Tang Xiao and Tang Xin, indeed sisters!

But why had he never heard at work that President Tang had sisters?

Wu Jie instantly held his breath in concentration, all ears.

"Chicken dinner, chicken dinner! All you ever talk about is chicken dinners, never about studying properly. If your dad knew, he would definitely give you a severe lesson!"

"Ah geez, sis, I haven't had enough fun yet! Hurry up, I'm still livestreaming!"

"No time, I still haven't finished reviewing documents! Go find your good-for-nothing friends!"

"Hmph! Unreliable! I'm not talking to you anymore!"


There were no more sounds coming from the phone, nor could any images be seen.

Wu Jie let out a sigh and put down the phone, rubbing his face.

"Not studying properly, let your dad know… What does this mean? Could it be that they're just cousins?"

"And this Tang Xin, is she still a student?"

Driven by curiosity, Wu Jie immediately took to the internet to search.

Unfortunately, he found no information about the group founder Tang Long having any siblings.

And searching for Tang Xin, there were quite a few people with the same name, but none of them were relevant.

Out of the corner of his eye, Wu Jie noticed a new message and casually clicked on Xu Wei's avatar, to find a movie had been sent offline.

Wu Jie immediately sent a message: "No need to send your bro movies anymore, I've found a way to make money, and it won't be long before I marry a fair-skinned, rich and beautiful woman and reach the peak of life!"

Xu Wei: "Do you know how much effort I put into finding HD resources? If you don't want it, forget it!"

Wu Jie quickly replied: "Don't! I was just kidding!"

After sending the message, he casually hit the download button.

Ding dong~

File download complete!

A pounding heart! Trembling hands!

Wu Jie instinctively glanced at the doors and windows, thankfully, they were all closed.

He opened the file...

Holy shit!

Calabash Brothers!

What the heck!

Are you kidding me?

Wu Jie was furious, wishing he could give Xu Wei a good beating.

But then he had a second thought, this kind of trick for fooling people was not bad!

He renamed the file to make it highly appealing for download.

Then he shared it...

Sure enough!

He earned a wave of hatred again.

Switching back to the livestream platform, Wu Jie was about to return to Tang Xin's livestream room when the system suddenly delivered good news.


[System: Harvested 1000 points of hatred from Tang Xin]


[Congratulations to the host for successfully earning 100,000 energy points and completing the first task! The mall is now open, and you have earned one free lottery draw]

Wait a minute!

What's going on?

The joy of completing the task was completely overshadowed by Tang Xin's hatred.

"Can it be? Did she really hate me for declining her request to play another round? But it shouldn't only turn to hatred now! What was she doing before?"

Wu Jie didn't even care about the lottery anymore and immediately entered the livestream room.

Upon entering, he found Tang Xin interactively pouting and being angry with the audience, her charming face almost spelled frustration.

After watching for a while, Wu Jie understood.

Ever since Wu Jie turned down Tang Xin's request, she had played several rounds without any wins, and in two of the games, she even had pros carrying her.

Her luck was terribly bad!

So Tang Xin harbored hatred toward Wu Jie, nicknamed 'Principles', and many viewers also criticized Principles for being a jinx, causing Xin'er to lose every round.

"Bad personal karma, can't win a chicken dinner, so you blame me?" Wu Jie casually vented with a comment.

This naturally caused more trouble.

A bunch of people already looking for someone to lash out at, immediately unleashed a barrage of criticism and unending tirades.

"Holy shit! He's emerged again!"

"Whatever you lack in life, that's what you name yourself. Clearly, this guy Principles here is damn lacking in principles!"

"So arrogant, dare to play another round?"

"Principles! If you've got the guts, lead the host to a chicken dinner, otherwise stop yapping!"

"Oh wow! Disappeared so long only to show up now, playing zombie? Want to play again?"

"Lord Principles, come play with us!"


The barrage of messages had completely taken over the screen.

Tang Xin revealed a delighted smile and immediately said, "Integrity, since you're here, let's play another round!"


The beautiful host Xin'er was initiating another round for the second time.

This time, quite a few people envied Wu Jie.

But it was utterly useless!

Wu Jie was in no mood for gaming; his first system task was complete, and of course, the lottery was the priority!

"Sorry, I'm still busy with something. Another day, perhaps!"

Wu Jie felt his message was perfectly normal, but the audience in the live stream didn't take it well.

"Oh my god! Integrity, you're so wild!"

"Rejected again! My heart aches for Xin'er for one second!"

"What does he mean by 'another day'... really?"

"Integrity, go die! Xin'er invited you twice, why are you acting so aloof?"

"What's so important that you can't finish? Sitting on the toilet eating shit?"

"Gross, gross, gross! Integrity is just a big filthy demon!"

"Integrity, give us your address! I'm coming over with a carload of people right now, and I promise I won't kill you!"

"Xin'er, don't cry! Brother will send you a rocket!!"

"Integrity's EQ is really worrisome! Forever alone, doomed to be single!"

"Integrity: I'm single by choice, anyone got a problem with that?"


A slight twitch appeared at the corner of Wu Jie's lips.

Tang Xin was truly no ordinary person!

Her hatred actually added a thousand energy points; rich girls really are different.

But strangely, upon the second rejection, Tang Xin showed no hatred.

On the contrary, she took the initiative to send Wu Jie a private message.

"Rejecting me twice, you're the first on the internet! But whether you'd like to catch my attention on purpose or you're actually busy, let's be friends. I think you're quite interesting!"

Can it be?

Did I just succeed in flirting?

Wait a minute!

It's just adding a friend, no need to panic!

Take a deep breath!

Still, Wu Jie felt his heart thumping wildly; previously Tang Xiao had proactively shared contact details without any guard.

Now, it was Tang Xin who initiated the move, and the implications were different, naturally the feeling was different as well.

"After being possessed by the system, my luck is indeed different!!"

Wu Jie immediately gave Tang Xin his mobile number, then couldn't even care about the system lottery anymore and just kept waiting...

He waited a full five minutes, didn't see Tang Xin accept his friend request, but instead saw her pick three more volunteers from the audience, eager to team up for the chicken dinner game.

These three audience members were no joke; showing off their achievements, they were all experts, and Tang Xin also refused to back down, determined to get a chicken dinner tonight no matter what.

"Winning a chicken dinner without cheats? Wishful and brainless thinking!"

Putting down his phone, Wu Jie closed the live stream and opened the system ready for the lottery.

In his mind, the system's lottery wheel was all set.

The prizes were very generous, all of professional grade, not just amateur level.

Most importantly, they were all permanent skills, with no time limit.

Racing driver skills, bartender skills, electrical engineer skills, combat athlete skills...

A multitude of skills burden no one!

Wu Jie, having tasted the sweetness of success, wanted everything except 'thank you for participating'.

"Lottery, lottery! Spin it!"

The pointer spun wildly, from fast to slow.

In a mix of nervousness, unease, and anticipation, the skill the pointer finally landed on left Wu Jie speechless.

"Damn it! I knew it would be this one!"

Wu Jie shook his head in secret, knowing that with the system's stinginess, it wouldn't hand out anything decent.

As expected, it allowed the already expired professional level combat athlete skill to become permanent.

Well, that's also good; in case I have to fight with Tang Xiao again someday, I won't be afraid of getting thrashed.

With a balance of tens of thousands, what's there to hesitate about?

Of course, it was time to go shopping in the mall!

The mall was already open, and based on the host Wu Jie's balance, it unlocked various skills and items available for purchase.

Like the fighting skill Tang Xiao bought, a half-hour trial was ten thousand energy points, and to purchase it permanently was three hundred thousand.

In that case, did I actually make a profit?

Wu Jie felt a bit gleeful, browsing the items, only to discover a medicinal pill called 'Marrow Cleansing Pill' for sale.

Reading the description, it claimed that taking it would allow one to cleanse any impurities in the body, achieving the effects of marrow-cleansing and bone-carving.

"Holy cow! This is practically a miracle drug made for the fair-skinned, rich, and beautiful CEO Tang Xiao!"

"But this price... damn, five million energy points? Really ripping me off, aren't they?"