Chapter 12 Sisterly Squabbles!

The price is touching!

But my wallet is embarrassingly thin!

Though the Marrow Cleansing Pill is great, Wu Jie could only choose to give up, unable to afford it.

Yet, with the system and a store, how far could a wonderful life be?

Better to pull an all-nighter proactively than to stay up late passively.

Is it possible for an underdog to turn the tables?

Is it possible to defy fate and change one's destiny?

It all depends on whether this opportunity can be seized.

So Wu Jie planned, even if it meant staying up all night, to master the Emotional System.


Nestled by the mountains and lakes with a serene view, the lights on the 21st floor of Luling International Elevator Apartments were still on.

Tang Xiao was a workaholic who never returned to the Tang Family villa in the suburbs on weekdays, staying instead in a luxury apartment only two blocks away from her company's headquarters.

This apartment complex catered to high-quality living, with two households per elevator and only two households per floor.

Each unit was easily three to four hundred square meters, and with lavish decor, cost twenty to thirty million.

Tang Xiao went all out, buying the entire floor and setting up rooms for a library, a gym, a sauna, and more—leaving only one guestroom aside from the master bedroom.

The night was deep.

After reviewing the documentation for several projects, Tang Xiao prepared to take a bath and then sleep. However, she couldn't rest easy without checking on Tang Xin, so she tiptoed to the outside of the guestroom.

Listening at the door, Tang Xin seemed to still be live streaming, apparently in the midst of a tirade of complaints.

"This damn girl, always playing games and live streaming instead of studying properly, truly neglecting her duties!"

Tang Xiao, fuming, stood with hands on hips and knocked on the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Tang Xin, who was live streaming, immediately smiled at the camera and said, "Alright, that's it for today's stream, goodbye everyone!"

She quickly turned off the streaming software, then placed the "Corporate Management" textbook on the table before getting up to open the door.

"It's half past twelve, and you're still playing games. Do you believe I'll call uncle right now?"

As soon as the door opened, Tang Xiao immediately threatened and intimidated.

"No, sis! I wasn't playing, look, I've been studying all night, I've been really working hard!"

Tang Xin pulled Tang Xiao into the room and pointed to the desk.

Tang Xiao walked up to the computer with a stern face and felt it with her hand.

"You're working hard on your studies, yet the computer case is hot to the touch. Could it be that your computer is helping you absorb and store all the knowledge?"

Tang Xin no longer dared to make a sound, her head bowed like a child who had done wrong.

"Xin, I'm not just nagging for the sake of it, you have to have a sense of measure!"

"If you study well and play games or stream in your free time, I have nothing against it. But you skip school and hide here day and night to play games and stream; isn't that too much?"

"Uncle is expecting you to succeed and take over his company one day. If you keep messing around like this, I doubt you'll even get your diploma, let alone learn anything of substance. How will you manage a company in the future?"

Tang Xiao scolded her relentlessly, truly frustrated with her wasted potential.

This scolding only made Tang Xin feel even more wronged.

"Actually... I wouldn't have played so late tonight! It's all because of one huge jerk. Ever since I teamed up with him, I've never won a game. I invited him to play, and he kept rejecting me over and over, so..."

Tang Xiao interrupted, "So because someone thinks you're not good enough to play with, you got stubborn and kept playing just to win at least once?"


Tang Xin answered affirmatively.

Seeing that Tang Xiao sat down at her desk and started going through the textbooks, Tang Xin nervously bit her lip, her fingers twisting behind her back.

She was seething inside!

"Integrity! Integrity! Integrity!"

"If I catch you, I'll make sure to torture you until you can't stand it!"

"'A goodbye song for the host,' that's great! Now my whole night has been ruined; I died miserably in every single game! Jerk!"

Tang Xin inwardly cursed, certain that her hatred would only bring Wu Jie energy points and not the slightest harm.


Tang Xiao sighed, placing the almost brand new books back in their spots.

"Tomorrow morning, I'll send you back to school for class. If you continue to skip class and play mobile games during lessons, then I'll notify your second uncle to have someone pick you up, and I'll change the password to this apartment's door so you can never enter again!"

Tang Xiao's tone was ice-cold, very decisive, with not a shred of room for negotiation.

Tang Xin knew Xiao's temperament; how could she dare to be stubborn?

After quietly acknowledging with an 'oh,' she hung her head and walked towards the bathroom.

After making sure Tang Xin went to bed, Tang Xiao returned to her own bedroom, lay on her bed, and felt her waist begin to ache again.

"Damn Wu Jie!"

"Hiss... It's really killing me!"

Bearing the pain, Tang Xiao got up and self-administered an injection of medicine, which finally eased the pain enough to allow her to sleep.


Tang Xiao had a dream.

She dreamt she was wearing a wedding dress, standing in a flower room adorned with blossoms, with a straight red carpet in front of her.

There were sweet songs, cheers from friends and family, and bubbles shining with radiant colors...

It seemed like she was at a wedding venue in her dream, and she could even feel her father's hands trembling slightly.

The groom, holding flowers, is coming!

Getting closer! Closer! Coming nearer and nearer...

Just as Tang Xiao was about to see what the other person looked like, suddenly...


"Wake up!!"

Tang Xin's loud voice suddenly exploded in her ear, startling Tang Xiao into a reflexive counter-grasp.

But Tang Xin, well aware of Xiao's combat emergency syndrome, had called out from nearly two meters away.

Grabbing at the air, Tang Xiao opened her eyes to see her cousin already dressed and ready, clutching two books as if ready for class.

"Give me three minutes!"

Tang Xiao got out of bed and emerged from the washroom in less than two and a half minutes.

Tang Xin gave her a once-over and shook her head in secret.

"Older sister, do you know why you can't find a boyfriend? Look at how fast you get ready. You probably just went to the bathroom, brushed your teeth, and washed your face, right? Can't you spend some time to dress up?"

Tang Xiao said with a startled laugh, "I did get dressed up! Didn't you see I drew my eyebrows and applied moisturizer?"

"That's not enough!" Tang Xin stamped her foot in exasperation, "You need to cleanse your skin, shave, apply foundation and eye makeup... In short, it'd take at least twenty minutes to pick the right outfit and get fully ready!"

"As an eligible single woman of marriageable age, you should make yourself look more refined and beautiful!" Tang Xin said, and pulled Tang Xiao into the washroom, pointing at the vanity and saying, "Just look at yourself, which woman your age looks like this? You have even fewer cosmetics than men!"

"Ah? Really?" Tang Xiao said in surprise.

Tang Xin retorted with a cold snort, "Don't believe it? Look at those young male celebrities, which one doesn't wear makeup? Many guys, even if they aren't celebrities, also live very delicately, applying facial masks every day, getting beauty sleep, and even doing live streams teaching girls how to apply makeup. Tsk, tsk, they have the skills to transform even an ugly duckling into a great beauty!"

"Eh? Isn't that turning into a man-yao?" Tang Xiao said with disgust, shaking her head repeatedly.

"Pfft! What do you know? That's called personality!"

Tang Xin held her head high, like a princess who had won a battle.

Having been scolded by Xiao for gaming and streaming, how could she not seize the opportunity to hit back hard?

After breakfast, Tang Xiao drove the rugged Mercedes-Benz G-Class and took Tang Xin to Tianyuan University.

The first thing she did when she arrived at the company building was to open the web page to look at entertainment news.

Without looking, she wouldn't have known, but what she saw really gave her a shock.

How could there be male celebrities who were even prettier than women? And there were so many of them!

Was it the effect of makeup and beautifying apps, or did they just naturally look like that?

Tang Xin glanced at the time, and seeing that it wasn't time for work yet, she immediately sent a message to Wu Jie...