Chapter 18: I'll Just Watch You Show Off in Silence!

Handsome and wealthy!

From a distinguished family!

Without a doubt, Wang Kun was seen as the tall, rich, and handsome man by countless people.

He was polite, with a gentle smile.

When greeting others, there wasn't a hint of pretense, and he radiated the air of a gentlemanly generosity.

By comparison, what was Wu Jie?

Wang Kun was clad in designer brands, with just a belt that cost more than Wu Jie's entire outfit.

The three waiters, long accustomed to serving in such a high-end venue, had a keen eye, but they truly didn't understand.

This was a Couples Theme Western Restaurant, with its elegant environment, exquisite dishes, and high-end service... Since it opened, they had never seen a group of two men and one woman dining on Western food.

And it was not just any group but a tall, rich, and handsome man with a fair-skinned, rich and beautiful woman, accompanied by a poor loser.

What was this about?

However, they were professionals, always smiling and providing thoughtful service.

Take a seat! Serve the meal! Pour the wine!

Tang Xiao and Wang Kun sat opposite each other, while Wu Jie was in the middle.

And what followed was naturally Wang Kun's moment to show off...

"Xiao, you've lost quite some weight recently, you must eat more. Kobe beef is said to be the ultimate in beef, normally sold only in Japan, but this restaurant can source some every day through special channels. You should try it; it's definitely tender and firm..."

"Good meat is complemented by fine wine! With the ultimate Kobe beef, how could we do without the ultimate red wine? Compared to Merlot, I prefer Malbec; it's full-flavored and rich. Let me toast to you..."

Describing gourmet food and wine, reciting facts smoothly, Wang Kun was naturally showing off in various ways.

And he indeed had the capital to show off.

This meal was destined to be expensive.

Fatty but not greasy foie gras burger, three thousand eight per serving.

Chewy beef tenderloin steak, nine thousand per serving.

Juicy Kobe grilled beef, ten thousand per serving.

Plus appetizers, salads, desserts, red wines...

The dinner Wang Kun hosted for three people was worth over a hundred thousand on the table.

A hundred thousand!

That's equivalent to Wu Jie's one and a half year's salary plus his year-end bonus, without eating or drinking.

How could ordinary people afford this?

So no matter how much Wang Kun flaunted his sense of superiority, how eloquently he displayed his profound knowledge and high-end taste, Wu Jie didn't speak. He just quietly watched Wang Kun show off while devouring the delicious food.

You get what you pay for.

Wu Jie couldn't taste the wine since he had to drive, but the food was truly enjoyable.

To let Wang Kun show off even more, Wu Jie had to eat a lot!

Serving after serving of the Kobe beef, costing thousands even at a member price—Wu Jie ate several portions.

Devouring everything like a storm, feeling fully satisfied after having his fill, and finishing off the several hundred-yuan-per-cup juice with a loud burp, he felt blissfully content!

Western dining is all about a slow pace and savoring each bite.

But Wu Jie and Tang Xiao finished their battle in less than ten minutes!

Wiping her mouth, Tang Xiao laughed, "The dinner was very nice, Mr. Wang, thank you for your generosity!"

"How can it be called being generous when I'm treating you to a meal?" Wang Kun set down his wine glass and looked at Wu Jie with a smile, "Mr. Wu must be full by now, right?"

Underneath Wang Kun's smiling expression, he actually had murderous thoughts.

He had agreed to bring Wu Jie along for Tang Xiao's sake, to serve as a contrast for his own show-off moment.

But Wu Jie, well...

From the moment he entered and sat down, he hadn't spoken a word, just eating and drinking furiously.

Brother, do you think this is an all-you-can-eat buffet?

Serving after serving of voracious eating had cost tens of thousands, Wang Kun was anything but happy.


Wiping his mouth with a napkin, Wu Jie felt incredibly pleased inside.

That meal not only cost Wang Kun quite a sum of money but also made him seethe with resentment multiple times.

This guy had a wealthy family and a valuable personal net worth, so each instance of his resentment was worth a whopping six thousand energy points.

"I'm full! Really fullfiled! The taste was indeed great, thanks for the treat, Mr. Wang!"

Wu Jie spoke from the heart.

He had lived for so many years, but this was the first time he had tasted food worth thousands to tens of thousands.

A meal costing over a hundred thousand, back in his rural hometown, that would be a brag worth a lifetime.

And yet, Wang Kun couldn't stop hating himself, as even these rage points were money!

Wang Kun chuckled, "Yesterday, Xiao accidentally bumped into you, and though she didn't cause any harm, it's only right to treat you to a meal as an apology!"

Then, changing his tone, Wang Kun suddenly smiled and said, "So, don't hesitate to eat well and fill up. After all, with your financial situation, it's very difficult for you to dine here. If there's anything else you'd like, just go ahead and order."

That was a slap in the face!

He might as well have said straight out that Wu Jie was a poor loser who couldn't afford a meal costing tens of thousands.

Tang Xiao shivered inside, knowing it was only a matter of time before Wang Kun would start showing off and slapping faces.

But Wu Jie...

Didn't seem angry at all!

He was even laughing.

"Since Mr. Wang says so, then I really won't be polite!"

Wu Jie raised his hand and snapped his fingers, "Waitress, please bring another ten servings of Kobe beef!"


Tang Xiao couldn't hold back her laughter.

"Sorry!" She quickly grabbed a tissue to wipe her mouth, and then nudged Wu Jie under the table with her foot. "Ten servings, can you finish them all?"

"How can I not? There's just a few pieces in a serving. Don't worry, I assure you I won't waste!" Wu Jie chuckled and turned to Wang Kun, "Right, Mr. Wang?"

Wang Kun lifted his wine glass, hiding his embarrassment and anger.

"No problem! The poorer the man, the bigger the appetite, right? Just like those construction workers on the site, doing physical labor, they need to eat more!"

This statement was even more ironic.

Wang Kun despising Wu Jie for being poor, also looked down on him as if he were the same as a laborer.

Tang Xiao's face carried a faint smile, but inside she scorned Wang Kun countless times.

Aren't construction workers human?

Your darn real estate company, without all those construction workers to build your properties, could you sell houses and make money?

Thinking this, Tang Xiao felt Wu Jie wasn't so bad.

Real, unpretentious!


Wu Jie was being overly sincere.

Was he treating Kobe beef like some roadside barbecue? One serving cost thousands, ten servings would be tens of thousands.

Such exquisite delicacies served up were like a pile of expensive cash.

Delicious food should be savored slowly, but Wu Jie was wolfing it down as if he was at a skewer stand.

Ten servings of Kobe beef, right under Wang Kun's watchful eyes, vanished in just a few minutes.

Letting out a loud, satisfied burp, Wu Jie smiled happily.

"Enjoyable! Refreshing! I really must thank Mr. Wang for his generous hospitality!"


Wang Kun forced a smile.

His face smiling, but cursing inside!

Wu Jie alone had eaten more than a hundred thousand worth, a hundred thousand!

Watching the waitress bring over the bill, and as he swiped his card and signed, Wang Kun felt like his heart was being cut out.

But in front of Tang Xiao, he had to pretend to be very generous.

"Xiao, it's still early, shall we go see a movie? I have two VIP movie tickets."

The moment Wang Kun took out the movie tickets, Tang Xiao immediately shook her head and got up.

"You go with Wu Jie. I still have unfinished work and need to work overtime at home!"

"With him? I..." Wang Kun almost cursed out loud, but swallowed his words. "Then shall I drive you home?"

Tang Xiao shook her head with a smile, "Drunk driving is too dangerous, Wu Jie can take me!"

Wang Kun was taken aback, "Ah? I..."

"What? You want to get a designated driver? Forget it, your Ferrari sports car only has two seats, how can three people fit?" Tang Xiao glanced at Wu Jie, and the two promptly left.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang!"

Wu Jie waved his hand from afar, grinning from ear to ear.

"Thanks my ass! Damn it!"

Wang Kun gritted his teeth, wishing he could smash the wine bottle on the table.

Whipping out his phone, Wang Kun roared, "Huzi, I need you to beat someone up tonight! Damn it, make sure they turn into a cripple!"