Chapter 61: Emotional Scenes Require More Rehearsal!

How audacious!

After ending the call with Tang Xiao, Wu Jie zoned out for quite a while.

How many girls in the world would dare to do such a thing?

"Giving me both her apartment number and password without fearing I might sneak in late at night to cause trouble?"

Wu Jie touched his chin, feeling like he shouldn't let down the trust of the domineering President Tang.

Taking a cab to her place, Wu Jie didn't input the code to open the door immediately upon arrival.

He waited in the hallway for over ten minutes when Tang Xiao came out of the elevator, pulling her luggage.

"Huh! Why didn't you go in and wait?" Tang Xin asked in surprise.

"You said the password so quickly, I didn't catch it!" Wu Jie told a little white lie on the fly.

Tang Xiao flashed a faint smile, used the fingerprint scanner to unlock the door, and pushed it open.

"That's a shoe cover dispenser, just stick your feet in! Make yourself comfortable, there are fruits and drinks in the fridge."