Chapter 62 The Beautiful Secretary is Furious!

"What kind of red wine? To even bother Secretary Xie to deliver it personally, must be pricey!"

Wu Jie grabbed the red wine, asking with a flippant smile.

Xie Wanjun's gaze flashed with a hint of mockery.

"This is a top-notch red wine brewed by a private winery, absolutely not available on the market. If we're really talking price, it's at least tens of thousands in US dollars!"

"Tens of thousands? In US dollars?" Wu Jie lifted the wine box, clicking his tongue in wonder, "So one sip is like downing a couple thousand?"

"That's why I'm puzzled. Why would President Tang send such an expensive wine to you? Isn't he afraid you'll squander it, wasting its taste because you don't know how to appreciate it?"

Xie Wanjun slightly narrowed her eyes, her look filled with envy and jealousy.

Wu Jie felt so damn good!

Once a woman starts being petty, she really can't stop.

In just a few exchanges, Xie Wanjun envied twice, jealous thrice.