Chapter 77 Emergency Aid! Mistaken Identity!

Piercing wails tore through the walls.

Upon hearing the screams, Tang Xin immediately rushed over from next door.

Bursting through the door, she saw Lin Wan doubled over in pain, her entire body bent at the waist and shivering violently.

"Lin, what's wrong with you... Are you having menstrual cramps again?"

"I... I don't know! It hurts so much!!"

Lin Wan's face twisted in agony as she clutched the quilt, unable to bear the pain.

"Hold on, I'll go get Jie!"

Tang Xin hurried off, running to knock on the door of the master bedroom.

Thud thud thud!

"Jie! You need to come quick, Lin is not doing well!"

Raising her hand, she knocked fiercely again.

Wu Jie hurried over to yank open the door, still wrapped in a bath towel with shampoo foam in his hair.

"What's wrong?"

"Lin is in pain again, she looks incredibly agony!" Tang Xin urged, "You need to hurry and rinse off, I'll sterilize the silver needles for you!"

"They're in the drawer, give me one minute!"