Chapter 78: Mockery and Ridicule!

Lin Wan opened her eyes, and was immediately startled.

She was actually holding Wu Jie's hand!

What was going on?

She had never been particularly fond of men; even if she felt relatively safe around Wu Jie, it wouldn't go this far...

It was too bizarre!

What was happening?

Lin Wan released her grip like lightning, allowing Wu Jie to quickly step back.

"I... what happened to me?"

Lin Wan was a little overwhelmed by shyness, her face instantly flushing crimson, immensely embarrassed.

Wu Jie laughed and said, "It's nothing, you were just having a nightmare. I had just finished removing the needles when you suddenly grabbed my hand and asked me not to leave!"

Lin Wan crossed her arms in front of her chest, looking somewhat awkward.

She indeed had been dreaming.

The acupuncture was so comfortable that she gradually fell into dreamland.

In the dream, she met a beloved partner; the two were inseparable, very sweet together.