Chapter 329: Coerced by Death!

The sun blazed fiercely.

On the windowsill of a hospital ward.

Bai Junhao squatted on the windowsill, shouting loudly.

He dared not sit.

Not only because his butt was injured, but also because the windowsill was too hot from the sun.

If he sat, he would definitely get scorched.

At this very moment.

Outside the sick room, it was already packed and impenetrable.

Inside the sick room, there were medical staff, patrol officers who responded to the call, and gossip media reporters brought by Bai Junhao.

Below, fire trucks were stationed, and on the ladder sloping toward the window, firefighters stood.

On the hospital roof, firefighters were prepared to rappel down, while below, a massive inflatable cushion was continuously inflating.

Bai Junhao held onto the window with one hand while waving the other hand in the air.

Under the harsh heat, Bai Junhao was drenched in sweat, his emotions extremely agitated.

"None of you come over! Otherwise, I'll jump!"