Chapter 330: A Miserable End! Served him right!

Fuck sunbathing!

Bai Junhao's face, streaming with sweat, turned into a fierce glare as he roared:

"I'll squat wherever I love to squat, none of your damn business!"

"Hurry up and call for Bai Fengling to come, or I might really jump!"

Wu Jie laughed incredulously, "Didn't you just say you wouldn't commit suicide? What, do you think I am deaf?"


With a cold huff, Bai Junhao turned his head away.

He reached out to support himself on the aluminum window frame but recoiled when it burned his hand.

The scorching sun had been relentless, cracking his lips, leaving him dehydrated and weak.

Wu Jie took a step forward, and Bai Junhao immediately roared:

"What are you doing? You think I won't jump for real?"