Chapter 7 How Should It End?


Wen Xuebing's mattress was truly a little warehouse, my goodness, he had everything here, a whole set of things. Today everyone really had an eye-opener.

"Wow, there are even socks, look, women's socks!" Someone in the crowd of onlookers screamed. With that scream, the scene instantly reached a climax.

Weren't the police looking for this stuff today? Now it has been found. I heard that Doctor Ou's were stolen yesterday, could it be that Vice President Wen did it?

Wen Xuebing's face and neck swelled up like a puffing toad, thick and red, his hands trembling as he said, "These... these weren't stolen, these... I bought them!"

"Oh dear, Vice President Wen likes this stuff? They say the more you read, the weirder your actions. Today the intellectual's taste has really broadened our horizons!" Sun Lihua, the proprietress of the street's Fulun Supermarket who was squeezing at the window to watch the fun, said with a chuckle.

Wen Xuebing shook with rage, so embarrassed he wished he could find a crack to crawl into. What's called shooting yourself in the foot? Today he was doing just that, and the shot was especially harsh.

He never imagined that the play he meticulously arranged would turn out like this. His goal was to disgrace Pang Feng, but now Pang Feng was unscathed, while he himself couldn't get off the stage.

Facing this situation, Zhou Peng, who was Wen Xuebing's "ally," was also stunned. He had no prior knowledge of this. How could he have anticipated that Vice President Wen, who appeared so upright and was a figure of stature in town, would have such a rich collection beneath his bed?

If he had known this, Zhou Peng would have insisted on not searching Wen Xuebing's room no matter what. Now, these things were found, which is like getting mud in your pants - it's shit whether it looks like it or not.

"This Pang Feng is devilishly cunning, how could his eyes be so sharp?" Zhou Peng glanced at Pang Feng deeply.

He was really puzzled, and then Pang Feng shouted loudly, "Wow, what's that by the computer?"

At Pang Feng's shout, everyone turned their heads to look at the computer in the living room.

Somehow, Wen Xuebing's computer had been turned on, and there was a big, blood-pumping image of a woman on the desktop.

"Wow!" The crowd, already ablaze with fervent gossip, swarmed over, and in a moment, over a dozen people crowded in front of the computer screen.

"Eh, that woman... looks familiar! Wow... isn't that..."

"Damn, this is voyeurism, hehe..."

A bunch of people chattered incessantly, revealing that there was indeed juicy content in Wen Xuebing's computer. At this, the crowd surged forward.

Finally, the woman on the computer screen was identified. Wasn't she Gong Cuicui, the wife of the gas station owner Wang Er, who was across from the hospital? Wen Xuebing's office seemed to be right across from the side of Wang Er's bedroom. These were candid photos...

At this, the crowd went wild. Wen Xuebing was a freaking pervert. With this guy in charge at the sanitation hospital, which woman would dare to come to the hospital for treatment in the future?

Previously, when they found those items under Wen Xuebing's bed, everyone just thought it was odd; after all, Wen Xuebing's wife was in the county city, and it was understandable if he felt lonely at night and had some special hobbies. That was all acceptable.


But now, seeing the voyeuristic photos on Wen Xuebing's computer, when it's those close by who have suffered harm, how could the neighbors, relatives, and friends in town just let it go?

Sun Lihua was the first to refuse to let it go. She and Gong Cuicui were sisters-in-law, after all. With such a thing happening, she was trembling with anger, "That fucking Wen Xuebing, you're really a pervert, you son of a bitch. Pretending to be so decent normally, but behind everyone's back, you do things so vile that even sons born without assholes would be ashamed. If we don't handle this today, our entire Wang Family will never let you off the hook!"

Once Sun Lihua started cursing, the other women also unleashed their fury. Gong Cuicui usually had a good relationship with everyone, and Wugai Town was a gathering place for the Tujia ethnic group, known for their unity. Once the women started to curse, the situation got completely out of control.

"That son of a bitch, such a pervert needs to be beaten to death!" At the crucial moment, Pang Feng shouted loudly.

This shout scared Wen Xuebing so much that he peed his pants as he tried to escape with Zhou Peng's protection.

But it was all too late. The enraged crowd swarmed him, and Wen Xuebing got beat up to the point he was crying for his father and mother. Pang Feng squeezed in through the crowd, stomping on him a few times too—damn, that felt satisfying. Today, Wen Xuebing, this hypocrite, finally revealed his true colors, much to everyone's delight.

Moreover, he was surprised to find that the dentist, Fong Shaojun, also took a hit at him, and so did Tang Zhijian.

These two were usually the most timid in the sanitation hospital. From this, it seemed that Wen Xuebing usually only relied on his authority to oppress others; people actually loathed him.

Zhou Peng, He Jun, and Su Donggua used all their strength but finally managed to separate Wen Xuebing from the furious crowd. It was no longer safe for him at the hospital, so the three escorted Wen Xuebing towards the police station for shelter.

The crowd at the sanitation hospital dispersed quickly, leaving only the doctors and nurses behind.

Facing this situation, everyone looked at each other. Some were openly delighted, some secretly pleased, and then there were those like Zou Wenming and Ou Jiaojiao, whose schemes had backfired on them, leaving them looking incredibly sour.

Ou Jiaojiao was especially upset. Wen Xuebing had promised her a promotion to head nurse and a five hundred yuan raise every month. Now, with this mess, it was likely that Wen Xuebing couldn't stay at the Wugai Mountain Sanitation Hospital any longer. Ou Jiaojiao's frustration was imaginable.

"Ou Jiaojiao, go back to the bathroom and take a good long look at that persimmon face of yours in the mirror!"

Ou Jiaojiao was startled, and as she looked up, her eyes seethed with venomous hate as they locked onto Pang Feng, "This damn poor bastard, Pang Feng, dares to insult me like that; does she really think she's nothing without Wen Xuebing? This is far from over!"

Zou Wenming quickly walked over, looking coldly at Pang Feng, he said threateningly, "Pang Feng, just you wait, this matter isn't over yet!"

Pang Feng laughed heartily. He felt a surge of confidence from the day's events. If he wasn't afraid of that old fox Wen Xuebing, why would he fear Zou Wenming, a soft egg who thinks too much of himself just because his family has some money?

"Zou Wenming, I'm waiting! Just make sure you don't chicken out later!"

Pang Feng dropped this line and turned to leave, "Ouch!" Just then, he felt a blur before his eyes as Liu Jinzhi somehow ended up behind him, and they collided hard, causing his mind to race with thoughts.

"Sorry, sorry, Sister Liu!"

"Giggle, Pang Feng, why are you in such a rush? Young people these days are too brash. Well, today's incident has really blown up. You guys go to work, I need to call Old Jin. He needs to come back and handle this, or it's not going to end well!"