Chapter 8: The Greatest Test!

Wen Xuebing had become a rat crossing the street in Wugai Town, everyone wanted to hit him, the police station couldn't protect him anymore, so Zhou Peng had no choice but to secretly send him to the county town.

The cloud hanging over Ding Fang had finally dispersed, but for Pang Feng, having offended Zou Wenming and Ou Jiaojiao, and with the unresolved issue of Liu Jinzhi, his troubles were far from over after Director Jin Zhidong rushed back because the two scoundrels, Zou Wenming and Ou Jiaojiao, would definitely cause trouble behind his back.

However, his mood had relaxed a lot now. One couldn't just faint and die from despair, and besides, after today's incident with Wen Xuebing, Pang Feng had gained full confidence in his own abilities.

The dirty deeds of Wen Xuebing, he could uncover in a single night, and if Jin Zhidong really didn't leave him any way out, Pang Feng was no longer a lamb to the slaughter.

"Ah, if only yesterday's incident hadn't happened, damn it!" Pang Feng muttered despondently. Actually, Director Jin was not a bad person, not only were his medical skills good, but his medical ethics were also commendable, and he was usually amiable in his dealings with others.

But there was one thing: Liu Jinzhi was his absolute taboo, and in this regard, he was sensitively paranoid to an almost abnormal degree, a fact that over the past several months of his internship, Pang Feng had witnessed on many occasions.

Last month, when Dr. Ma, newly transferred from Yuequan Town, had not figured out the situation and made a few joking remarks in the office with Liu Jinzhi, that very night, Jin Zhidong kicked him out of the hospital and even slapped him in front of so many doctors and nurses.

Dr. Ma was an old doctor in the gastroenterology department. If his experience was so, how could Jin Zhidong tolerate yesterday's incident with Pang Feng?

Pang Feng really needed this job now, and with that thought, his recently lightened mood became somewhat heavy again.

After a hasty dinner in the cafeteria after work, he planned to head back to the dormitory to have some quiet time and sort out the legacy in his mind. Since there was no hope for the job, Pang Feng would have to rely on the legacy in his head to make a living.

Since Pang Feng was an intern, he lived in an ordinary suite, and his location was at the very west, which in summer subjected his room to direct afternoon sun, making it very hot.

But one good thing about his room was the quietness. The room next door to Pang Feng's was unoccupied, so he could rest at night without disturbance from neighbors.

"Hee hee~"

When Pang Feng reached the door to his room and had just taken out his keys to open the door, he suddenly heard a woman's laughter.

His heart startled, he quickly turned his head and realized that the room next door, which was supposed to be empty, now had a door slightly ajar. Liu Jinzhi was looking through the crack with a smirk on her face.

This woman, she had changed into new clothes that afternoon. She had put on a pair of denim shorts that showed off her long legs, which were very attractive, and on top, she wore a light yellow pleated blouse, which was especially charming. It was particularly appealing to Pang Feng, whose attraction to her was painfully evident.

Pang Feng's eyes were almost uncontrollably drawn to those deep ravines, and he couldn't help but recall the memorable scene from yesterday. A fire in his lower abdomen surged up in an instant.

"That... That's Sister Liu, hello, Sister Liu!" Pang Feng pushed open his room door, about to dash inside.

"Hey, weren't you quite the man today? What are you hiding for, I'm trying to talk to you!"

Pang Feng blushed, "Sister Liu, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Inside, let's talk in your place!" Liu Jinzhi strode into Pang Feng's room. Pang Feng was still standing at the door. The door to the dormitory was narrow, and as they passed each other, there was another brushing encounter. Pang Feng felt like he was losing control.

"Sister Liu, have a seat, I'll pour you a glass of water!" While pouring the water, Pang Feng finally calmed himself down.

Sitting assertively in the room's only armchair, Liu Jinzhi took the water Pang Feng handed her and said, "Pang Feng, Old Jin should be back tonight, and you know how petty he can be. What's your plan?"

"Uh..." Mentioning this matter immediately deflated Pang Feng, and he sighed softly, "Sister Liu, I know Director Jin definitely won't keep me. I'll just have to take it one step at a time."

Liu Jinzhi squinted at Pang Feng, then suddenly burst into laughter. Her laugh made her tremble like branches in the wind, and as her face lit up, she truly resembled a blooming peach blossom in spring. Pang Feng had to admit Sister Liu was intensely seductive.

She laughed as she stood up, slowly approaching Pang Feng, "Pang Feng, weren't you pretty bold this morning? What happened? Are you that nervous now, afraid I might devour you?"

"Uh... No, not at all, not at all!"

"Oh, you're not afraid? Then let me see your courage!" As Liu Jinzhi spoke, her hands circled and hugged Pang Feng's waist, and their contact was quite intimate.

Her move was so sudden, Pang Feng could smell that extremely familiar and warm scent in his nose, and in the next moment, the two shared a very familiar unspoken understanding.

"Ah..." Pang Feng couldn't help but moan.

Liu Jinzhi fixed her gaze on Pang Feng, her eyes also filled with a bewitching haze. Initially, she just wanted to tease him, but now things had escalated.

"Pang Feng, I lied to you just now. I can't really help you! Jin Zhidong that bastard is a pervert! Let me show you something!"


Before Pang Feng could react, Liu Jinzhi suddenly exerted force and tore her lace pleated shirt.

Pang Feng's mind went blank, but then he gasped, his eyes fixated on the cluster of white above, his face a picture of shock. Taking a closer look at the severe bruising, it was even more horrifying.

"Sister Liu, is this... done by Director Jin?"

Teardrops suddenly filled Liu Jinzhi's eyes as she said, "Pang Feng, when that dog Jin Zhidong comes back, you're done for, and I'll suffer too. Every time something like this happens, he torments me to no end. I... I've had enough after all these years..."

He was just about to speak.

But Liu Jinzhi wrapped her arms around Pang Feng once again, whispering in his ear, "Pang Feng, since neither of us will have any good days, why don't I just give myself to you today? That guy always keeps men away from me, right? You might as well sleep with me. If he fires you, you'd have slept with his wife; you wouldn't be at a loss..."

Upon hearing Liu Jinzhi's words, particularly the last sentence, Pang Feng didn't know why, but a surge of powerful emotion overwhelmed him like a roaring floodwater. The sensation, laced with vengeance and wicked thrill, made him lose control over his inner desires.

His breathing became incredibly rapid, and his face was already dripping with sweat...

Suddenly, Ding Fang's voice came from outside, "Pang Feng, Pang Feng, are you there?"