Chapter 9: To be Caught Committing Adultery? [Seeking Recommendation Tickets]

The dry tinder was originally ablaze, but Ding Fang's shout was like dousing the roaring flames with a bucket of cold water, completely extinguishing both of their passions.

"Not good, Ding Fang is coming! Sister Liu..." Pang Feng was somewhat flustered.

Liu Jinzhi was extremely frustrated, her face still flushed as she said, "What's there to panic about? This girl is just like a cat in heat. Pang Feng, why don't you let her come here and compete with me, to see who men like more?"

Pang Feng's heart was about to jump out of his mouth because he could very clearly hear Ding Fang's footsteps approaching.

He looked around the simple room, which was completely empty, with absolutely nowhere to hide. What an embarrassing situation he was in today.

"All right, look at you all jittery, you seem to have lost your soul from fear. Don't worry, I have a plan. Isn't there this big bed here? I'll take a nap, and you go take care of that girl," Liu Jinzhi said, not in a hurry.

She pulled back Pang Feng's quilt, and like a mermaid, she "swooshed" into it, lying flat and covering her whole body with the quilt. At first glance, one really couldn't tell there was someone sleeping on the bed.

Just as she lay down, Ding Fang knocked on the door from outside.

Pang Feng hardened his scalp and said, "Ding Fang, wait a moment, I'm coming right over!"

Pang Feng opened the door, and there was Ding Fang with a smile as lovely as a flower. She was wearing a purple long dress, exuding an ethereal temperament. Compared to Liu Jinzhi's blazing hotness, Ding Fang was like a lily in full bloom in the spring.

She was in the prime of her girlhood, just beyond her floruit, with the greenness of youth still on her, but her body fully developed. The scent she emitted was subtle, yet filled with endless youthful vitality. As a girl who had just come of age, she had begun to experience deep emotions...

"Pang Feng, you were really amazing today! Wahaha, I truly didn't expect it, you actually took down Wen Xuebing. Do you know, I was really anxious at the time, especially when the police station searched your room, I... I almost broke down.

But the result was really perfect, thank you, Pang Feng. If it weren't for you... I... forget it, let's not talk about that. Anyway, you were super cool today!" Ding Fang was extremely excited, she hesitated not a bit and threw herself into Pang Feng's arms, leaning in to plant a fierce kiss on his cheek.

Pang Feng's heart was tense at this moment, he stood there dumbly, not sure what to say.

"Ding Fang, let's go out for a walk. My room is too hot! Oh, and even though Wen Xuebing is gone, my problems are probably not over. I'm in for it when Director Jin gets back." Pang Feng said, placing his hand on Ding Fang's shoulder, and the two of them left the room together.

Having left the room, Pang Feng finally let out a breath of relief. That was really close. He was only eighteen this year and was still a novice when it came to women. He hadn't expected that his first near-encounter with a woman could have almost led to being caught in the act. It was too thrilling.

"Pang Feng, I... I couldn't help you at all, I'm so useless!" Ding Fang's mood turned somewhat downcast.

Pang Feng shook his head and said, "Ding Fang, don't worry about me. I'm just one person. If one person gets full, the whole family isn't hungry. At my young age, with hands and feet, can I starve to death?"

All of a sudden, Ding Fang's eyes lit up and she said, "Pang Feng, there's actually another way. When Director Jin comes back, I'll go to him and say you're my boyfriend. The incident with you and Sister Liu yesterday was purely accidental; you slipped on a banana peel someone had carelessly thrown away. I think Director Jin is a really good person, maybe..."

Pang Feng coldly huffed, and couldn't help but have the terrifying bruise that he had just seen on Liu Jinzhi's chest flash through his mind. Just this alone was enough to show that Jin Zhidong was completely a psychopath. If that was the case, then Ding Fang's idea was definitely useless.

Seeing that Pang Feng was not speaking, a look of disappointment appeared on Ding Fang's face. However, she soon changed the subject and smiled, "Pang Feng, Director Jin isn't back yet, is he? Come on, it's been a tense day, and you haven't had dinner yet, have you? I... I'll treat you to dinner!"

Pang Feng nodded. He had actually already eaten, but at this moment, he had to go out so that Liu Jinzhi could have the chance to withdraw gracefully.

No sooner had he and Ding Fang walked beside the Inpatient Department than they suddenly heard someone shout, "Director Jin is back, quick, quick, get two people to help the director move stuff."

Pang Feng immediately halted his steps, and Ding Fang said, "Oh no, how could Director Jin come back so soon? Pang Feng, let's make a quick getaway!"

Pang Feng grabbed Ding Fang, saying, "Ding Fang, listen to me, you can't go out now. You said this job is very important to you. I've offended Zou Wenming and Ou Jiaojiao, those two bastards, and they definitely won't let it go. So you should keep your distance from me for a while, got it?"

"Pang Feng, I... I..." Tears were about to spill from Ding Fang's eyes as she looked at Pang Feng with tear-filled eyes, a sight that was truly pitiable.

Pang Feng gently patted Ding Fang on the back, saying, "Be good, the bigger picture is what matters. You should get your own affairs in order first, don't worry about me, I have a plan!"

Now that Jin Zhidong was back, the whole hospital would definitely be tense. Jin Zhidong demanded that all doctors and nurses in the hospital be on call 24 hours a day, so it certainly wasn't the right time for Ding Fang to leave the hospital.

Besides, at this critical juncture, it really wasn't appropriate for Ding Fang to be seen too close to Pang Feng. So, after reassuring Ding Fang, Pang Feng himself strode towards the health clinic's main gate with meteor-like steps.

"Liu Jinzhi is still lying in her own bed. Jin Zhidong wouldn't go looking for her as soon as he returns, would he? If that were the case, that would be really terrible..." Pang Feng's mind was full of various thoughts, feeling very confused.

"Oh, if it isn't Pang Feng? What's the matter? You trying to sneak out as soon as Director Jin returns, feeling guilty like a thief?" At the entrance of the health clinic, Zou Wenming emerged from nowhere, his face bearing a sinister smile as he sneered at Pang Feng.

Pang Feng glanced at him and said indifferently, "I had an appointment with your mom, didn't I? She can't stand the itch and asked me to make a house call. What's up? Want to come back and watch with me?"

"Pang Feng, you son of a bitch, you're courting death!" Zou Wenming suddenly lunged forward, throwing a heavy punch toward Pang Feng.

"Oh, getting angry so quickly? Watch out…" Pang Feng swiftly raised his hand and delivered a fierce slap, "SMACK!" With a sound, Zou Wenming was spun around by Pang Feng's palm.

Zou Wenming was completely stupefied by Pang Feng's slap; he could not believe Pang Feng dared to hit him. Back in Wugai Town, he was usually the one bullying others; nobody dared to bully him. Had Pang Feng lost his mind?

"Good, very good, Pang Feng, you bastard, just you wait. I won't let this go today," Zou Wenming said bitterly.

"SMACK! SMACK!" The anger in Pang Feng's heart surged to his head. Since pleasantries were already dispensed with, he might as well get a few more slaps in. Pang Feng, an orphan, was particularly incensed by being called a bastard. Back in kindergarten, he almost bit someone's ear off over it, causing a lot of trouble for Old Zhang Head!

[I hope my brothers can support the new book with recommendation tickets!]