Chapter 12: Arresting at Home!

Pang Feng felt very tired, mainly because he had slept too late the previous night.

After rescuing Gu Yanan under the arch bridge, he had figured out a way to tie up Zhao Zhi's hands and feet. Then Gu Yanan called the county public security bureau; her clothes were torn, and Pang Feng helped her get new clothes. After the people from the county public security bureau took Zhao Zhi away, Pang Feng also escorted Gu Yanan to the hotel.

By the time everything was settled and he got back to the dormitory, Pang Feng's adrenaline was still high. He tossed and turned, unable to sleep, until almost the time the rooster crowed, that's when he finally dozed off.

"Hey, wake up, Pang Feng, Pang Feng!"

In a daze, he heard someone calling him. Pang Feng opened his eyes, and the person in front of him gradually came into focus.

As soon as he recognized the face before him, he couldn't help but shiver, "Sister Liu... Sister Liu, how did you get here?"

Indeed, the person standing in front of Pang Feng was Liu Jinzhi, which took him by surprise. He had been dreaming about doing *that* with Liu Jinzhi. Could it be that it wasn't a dream?

Pang Feng examined Liu Jinzhi closely and finally heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that Liu Jinzhi was fully dressed.

"What's the big fuss about? Your room and the one next door used to be a suite separated by a partition, and there's a door in between. You just never noticed it before!" Liu Jinzhi said, eyeing Pang Feng with a somewhat serious expression.

"Alright, alright, get dressed quickly and follow me out the back. Zhou Peng, that bastard, took Zou Wenming's money and is coming from the front to catch you! This guy is vicious. If you fall into his hands, you're bound to suffer!" Liu Jinzhi continued.

"Hmm?" Pang Feng sat up from the bed at once, and sure enough, he heard shouting from outside, "Pang Feng, come out here, roll out here on your own!"

Hearing the voice, who could it be if not Zhou Peng?

"Hurry up, don't dawdle, get dressed quickly!" Liu Jinzhi was also somewhat panicked as she swiftly pulled back Pang Feng's blanket.

"Ah..." Pang Feng exclaimed.

As Pang Feng was putting on his pants, Liu Jinzhi grabbed his hand and said, "Hurry up, let's go!"

Pang Feng exerted force in his hand, and Liu Jinzhi didn't pull him forward, but instead, was pulled by Pang Feng toward him.

She paused slightly, about to speak, when Pang Feng said, "Sister Liu, this is not something we can hide from. Let me meet Zhou Peng. Damn it, we're in a society ruled by law now. I want to see what he dares to do to me!"

"Oh, you! Why don't you understand the danger? Zou Huijun has wild connections. Since Zhou Peng came to catch you, they must have already thought of ways to trap you. If you confront them head-on now, you'll definitely suffer.

Listen to me for once. Avoid the situation temporarily. You work at the hospital. Once things cool down a bit, naturally, there will be a way out," Liu Jinzhi said.

Hearing Liu Jinzhi speak this way, Pang Feng couldn't help but feel moved. After Grandpa Zhang died, no one else had cared for him like this. Liu Jinzhi was taking a great risk by coming to warn him because Jin Zhidong had already returned. Jin Zhidong was an extremely perverse man; as long as he was at the health clinic, he kept a tight watch on Liu Jinzhi's every move. And yet, even under such circumstances, she still came to warn him, which showed she truly cared about him.

But was Pang Feng the type to back down at a time like this?

"Listen to me, Sister Liu, I'm not afraid of them! Wen Xuebing, that son of a bitch, also wanted to ruin me, right? In the end, it was he who lost face. Don't worry, I'll find a way!" Pang Feng said earnestly, grabbing Liu Jinzhi's hand, delicate like a tender scallion, word by word.

Liu Jinzhi stared blankly at Pang Feng; at that moment, she felt that Pang Feng didn't seem like an eighteen-year-old youth because the aura he radiated made her feel very assured.

"Break the door down, damn it, Pang Feng, can you hide?" Zhou Peng's roaring voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"It's bad, it's terrible! You need to go!" Pang Feng said.

"I... I'm not going anymore!" Liu Jinzhi forcefully pulled away from Pang Feng and, just like the day before, dove into Pang Feng's blanket.

Pang Feng's heart suddenly raced, almost leaping to his mouth as he instantly understood that even if Liu Jinzhi wanted to leave at this point, it was probably too late because Zhou Peng had already reached the door.

Taking a deep breath, Pang Feng's emotions slowly became calm.

"I've caught a murderer before; am I afraid of Zhou Peng, a bully who relies on his power?" With this thought, Pang Feng felt a surge of boldness rise within him.

He strode over, pulled open the door, not even checking the situation outside, and bellowed:

"Who the hell is yelling? Is someone announcing a death?"