Chapter 13 I'll Kill You [Please Vote for Recommendation]

The local police station at Wugai Town had once again mobilized en masse to the health clinic to make an arrest. The clinic had just experienced the disturbance caused by Wen Xuebing, and the townsfolk of Wugai Town were now paying close attention to this place, so many spectators had gathered in the yard.

"What's going on? Why is Zhou Peng arresting Doctor Pang again?" someone in the crowd asked.

"Hey, you're out of the loop, let me tell you. It's all because of that Zou Huijun's kid making trouble. The kid got the short end of the stick competing with Doctor Pang for jealousy and ended up losing. It was over that nurse from the county, Nurse Ou, they fought just yesterday," someone gossiped.

"No way, just a couple of young guys being jealous, why's it any of Zhou Peng's business?"

"How can he not be involved? Zhou Peng took money, didn't he! Isn't it just like Zou Huijun to rely on his money to frequently meddle in these affairs?"

"Tsk, that damn mutt, may his son be born without an asshole!"

Ou Jiaojiao was also in the crowd, listening to various comments, and she felt like she was going insane.

All the gossip was aimed at Ou Jiaojiao and Zou Wenming. In the mouths of Wugai Town's people, she, Ou Jiaojiao, was seen as a calamitous vixen. The incident with Wen Xuebing just a few days ago was also stirred up by her. Wugai Town is a settlement area for the Tujia people, where customs are very conservative. A woman like Ou Jiaojiao, who always stirred up trouble, was very detested by them.

"I've long said that that Jiaojiao is a siren. Any man who ends up with such a woman will have bad luck his entire life!"

"Isn't that the truth? Actually, Doctor Pang is a pretty decent person. I heard it was that siren who took the initiative to cling to him. Zou Huijun's brat couldn't win that girl's favor, so he harbored anger against Doctor Pang, and that's why the friction started," another chimed in.


Ou Jiaojiao's lips were tightly pursed, her fingernails almost digging into her flesh, and she felt like she might break down at any moment.

Who did Ou Jiaojiao think she was? Ever since she was little, wherever she went, she was treated like a princess, coddled and admired by everyone. But now, in Wugai Town… she was being gossiped about, and what was more infuriating was Pang Feng. Yesterday, he had cursed at her with such venom.

"It's all because of Pang Feng, that pauper. He is my nightmare. Today, I want to see with my own eyes his wretched downfall..." Ou Jiaojiao thought vengefully, her eyes fixed on the dormitory building with a resentful look.

Just then, she glanced to the side and saw Ding Fang, which made her even more upset. "What's Ding Fang anyway? Rumor has it she comes from a single-parent family, and there's an ailing mother bedridden at home. You'd have to be blind not to choose me, yet they go for Ding Fang."

At that thought, she proudly thrust out her chest. But upon seeing Ding Fang's ample bosom and then looking down at her own, she could only grind her teeth in envy.

And then, there was Ding Fang's figure; she stood half a head taller than Ou Jiaojiao herself. She didn't even need high heels to stand out in the crowd and give off an extraordinary aura.

"Jiaojiao, don't listen to those people's idle gossip. I, Zou Wenming, can swear on my feelings for you!" Zou Wenming suddenly popped up behind her, confessing in a cheesy tone.

Ou Jiaojiao couldn't even be bothered to turn around and look at Zou Wenming's porky face. She had enough, she was utterly fed up with Wugai Town, not one thing about it could please her.

"Wow, the door's opening, it's opening!"

Suddenly, the crowd burst into an uproar.

Then, Pang Feng's domineering words rang out, "Who the fuck is wailing? Are they reporting a death or what!"

Feeling arrogant and ready to break down the door, Zhou Peng heard these words, and his face involuntarily turned pale, thinking, "Alright, you little bastard, if I don't show my power, I'm really treated like a sick cat! I've been holding back the anger from that incident the day before yesterday, and haven't vented yet! If I don't beat you half to death today, my name isn't Zhou."

"He Jun, Su Dong, cuff him for me!" Zhou Peng waved his hand grandly, commanding his men to act.

But He Jun and Su Dong hadn't even followed him!

Zhou Peng stepped forward and grabbed Pang Feng's arm, and just then, He Jun and Su Dong finally caught up. He Jun opened the handcuffs, and Zhou Peng, unable to restrain himself, aimed a sneaky kick at Pang Feng's leg.

But it was too late. Pang Feng, already on the alert, tossed Zhou Peng's hand aside and, by a stroke of bad luck for Zhou Peng, landed a punch right in Zhou Peng's lower stomach.

Zhou Peng felt a cold sweat break out from the pain of the punch; there was no strength left in his leg. Yet, as soon as their feet made contact, Pang Feng cried out, "Ouch, the police are hitting people, Zhou Peng is taking personal revenge! He's covering up for Wen Xuebing because he's afraid I'll mess up his plans, this is naked retaliation!"

With that shout from Zhou Peng, the crowd erupted into an uproar.

It had only been two days since the Wen Xuebing incident, and the whole of Wugai Town was still paying close attention to it. According to the temperament of Wugai people, a pervert like Wen Xuebing deserved to be beaten half to death by everyone first. But Zhou Peng had secretly transferred Wen Xuebing to the county town, and for this, the town's people already resented Zhou Peng, and the question of how to deal with the aftermath of Wen Xuebing's case had not yet been settled. Now he was here to arrest Pang Feng—of course the crowd was in an uproar!

"Motherfucker, curse his ancestors, which dog of an officer is hitting people? Do they think we Wugai people are easy to bully? Today I'm going to deflate the arrogance of that officer!"

A stocky, sturdy short man burst out of the crowd, wielding a flat stick, and charged furiously toward Zhou Peng.

Everyone recognized him—it was none other than Wang Er from the gas station!

The one who had suffered the most from the Wen Xuebing case was indeed Wang Er. Even till today, his wife Gong Cuicui was still hiding under the covers and weeping. Concerned that his wife might commit suicide, someone was always keeping watch at home. If anyone hated Zhou Peng the most, it was definitely the Wang Family People.

The Wang surname is a prominent Tujia clan name, and Tujia families place great importance on clan solidarity. Recently, the Wang Family People had been planning to petition at the county seat. At this critical moment, Zhou Peng still dared to strut around the health clinic to arrest people, which was clearly an attempt to get rid of a witness for Wen Xuebing.

In these past few days, Wang Er was infuriated and almost going mad, unable to find an outlet for his anger. Wasn't Zhou Peng looking for death by coming here, as if carrying a lantern to the toilet in search of it?

Wang Er might not have been tall, but he was very robust, and it was the intimidating aura he carried, with a bamboo shoulder pole on his shoulder, ready to kill.

Zhou Peng saw the situation turning bad, his face turned deathly white as he said, "Wang Er, don't mess around, we are working on a case, and interfering with police work is illegal..."

"To hell with your 'illegal,' Zhou Peng you police dog, I'm going to beat you up today!" Zhou Peng was still trying to assert his authority, but Wang Er was filled with pent-up rage, and who cared about legality at this point?

He swung the flat stick straight at Zhou Peng. Zhou Peng was significantly taller than Wang Er, and as a police chief, indeed had good physical conditioning.

But Wang Er wielded a long stick, how could Zhou Peng come out unscathed with bare hands?

Luckily, Zhou Peng managed to dodge the vital spots in the critical moment, otherwise, if he had been struck squarely on the head by Wang Er's stick, he would have likely ended his days on the spot. Nevertheless, he was still beaten to the point of crying for his father and mother, utterly miserable.