Chapter 14 You Deserve to Die! [Seeking Recommendations]

Wang Er swept through the police station with a carrying pole, and the incident took place right in the courtyard of the health clinic, where Zhou Peng was hit with three carrying poles and had one of his legs broken. He rolled on the ground in agony, crying for his father and mother.

He Jun stepped forward to break up the fight, received a pole himself, and was immediately knocked to the ground, falling like a ton of bricks, knocking out two of his front teeth, blood filling his mouth, in a complete and utter mess.

Only Su Dong saw the bad turn of events and ran for his life, making a clean escape.

Poor Zhou Peng had arrived today with great fanfare, ready to gobble up Pang Feng, but instead, Pang Feng emerged unscathed and Zhou Peng himself was beaten half to death. One could only imagine how furious he was inside, yet he had no way to vent his frustration.

Meanwhile, Zou Wenming and Ou Jiaojiao, who were all geared up to see Pang Feng in a sorry state, were completely dumbfounded. They missed the spectacle they had anticipated and instead ended up causing trouble. If the matter were looked into closely, Zou Wenming might not come out on top after all!

Seeing the situation escalate, Zou Wenming had no choice but to beat a hasty retreat. At this point, all he could do was ask his old man to spend more money to smooth things over.

The incident had indeed blown up big, alerting the government of Wugai Town. Mayor Wu Daquan summoned all the relevant parties to the town hall, creating quite the buzz, and Zou Wenming's spirits lifted again.

"Jiaojiao, hey, Mayor Wu and my dad are tight brothers. Today's mess was stirred up by Pang Feng. He deliberately hurt someone yesterday, and today he incited Wang Er to cause trouble. For his compound offenses, that damned Pang Feng is definitely going to jail this time!" Zou Wenming said with great excitement.

At this moment, they had all arrived at the township government courtyard. Inside, Pang Feng and Wang Er were restrained, Zhou Peng was limping on one leg, his face filled with a murderous aura, clearly not willing to let the matter rest. He was set on revenge today.

All of the doctors and nurses from the health clinic who were off duty had been called over, the courtyard was completely sealed off, and all unrelated bystanders could only watch from afar.

Mayor Wu Daquan, with a teacup in hand, had a very grim expression.

Zhou Peng could scarcely wait. He hobbled over to Wu Daquan and said, "Mayor, I need to deal with these two!"

He limped over to Pang Feng. Compared to Wang Er, he bore a deeper grudge against Pang Feng.

Several times he had been bested by Pang Feng, especially today, when he almost lost his life. He now wished he could bite Pang Feng to death.

"Kid, today you've fallen into my hands, heh heh, rest assured, I'll add some seasoning for you later," Zhou Peng whispered in a low and menacing voice.

Pang Feng scoffed coldly. Zhou Peng was about to kick when Wu Daquan set down his teacup and said, "Zhou Peng, what are you doing?"

Zhou Peng turned to look at Wu Daquan. Mayor Wu said, "Deputy Director Wei is on his way, and before he arrives, no one should act recklessly!"

Zhou Peng immediately deflated. Deputy Director Wei from the public security bureau was coming over just for today's incident?

As he puzzled over this, he heard the crowd outside growing restless, and the courtyard gate opened. Several off-road police vehicles drove into the courtyard.

The foremost vehicle stopped, and an agile middle-aged man alighted from the passenger seat. "Swoosh swoosh swoosh," seven or eight police officers got out of the cars in unison, marching over with firm and forceful steps.

"Open the gates of the courtyard, let everyone in!" the uniformed middle-aged man ordered loudly with a wave of his hand.

The gates opened, and an eager crowd that had already been watching from outside surged in, quickly filling the courtyard.

"Director Wei, good to see you! You've finally arrived!" Wu Daquan reached out from afar to shake hands with the uniformed middle-aged man, who responded, "Mayor Wu, thank you for your trouble. I, Wei Qinghua, am very grateful to you today!"

Zhou Peng scurried over with a fawning smile and said, "Director Wei, you've come yourself, which is just wonderful. It's just that such a trivial matter has alarmed you to come in person..."

Wei Qinghua glared fiercely at Zhou Peng and said sternly, "Is this still a trivial matter? Let me tell you, Zhou Peng, you've really broken the sky this time!"

"Er..." Zhou Peng looked bewildered, but immediately straightened up and said, "Director Wei, rest assured, I've already caught the person involved! He Jun, bring the guy up to Director Wei!"

Pang Feng and Wang Er were pushed forward by He Jun. Wei Qinghua frowned and said, "What is this mess? What... what's going on here?"

Zhou Peng said, "It was these two kids causing trouble, especially this Pang Feng, who stirred up shit, inciting and instigating, the main culprit. Wang Er interfered with the case, with brutal methods, directly responsible. The problems with these two are serious; they must be severely punished!"

Wei Qinghua stood there dumbfounded, while Zhou Peng felt that his description was yet insufficient. He immediately exaggerated further, piling on the charges against Pang Feng.

He had already thought through these arguments, and he had also thoroughly investigated Pang Feng's background. The guy was an orphan, and even if he died today, no one would come knocking for revenge, so Zhou Peng had no concerns at all.

"Heh, damned mongrel, daring to mess with my affairs several times, I'll kill you this time and no longer carry the Zhou surname!"

Zhou Peng was animated, and the commoners below listened with horror and trepidation. Zou Wenming, standing among the crowd, felt extraordinarily gratified and elated.

"This pauper Pang Feng, he offended me, and this is his fate. Later on, I'll smooth things out with some connections. Once he's in the detention center, I'll find someone to mess with him. Even if we can't kill him, we'll maim him!" Zou Wenming thought to himself. He approached Ou Jiaojiao and said,

"Jiaojiao, how about that? I told you I would help you get even. When I, Zou Wenming, say I will do something, I do it!"

Ou Jiaojiao was staring at Pang Feng, thinking, "Pang Feng actually doesn't look half bad, it's just a shame he's from such a lowly background, so poor. If he could swap places with Zou Wenming, I could definitely have liked him. Heh, this time he's totally finished, just goes to show that in today's society, poor devils like Pang Feng have no future at all."

"Jiaojiao, Jiaojiao, what are you thinking? What's the matter? Feeling sorry for Pang Feng, staring at him like that?" Seeing that his words elicited no response from Ou Jiaojiao, Zou Wenming became jealous and raised his voice.

Ou Jiaojiao snapped back to reality in an instant, saw Zou Wenming's pig-like face, and all she felt was disgust. Hearing his tone, was that an interrogation?

"None of your damn business, let me tell you, Zou Wenming, keep your distance from me. Don't think you're anything special just because your family has some money. You might throw your weight around in Wugai Town among the paupers, but if you really set foot in our county city, you're nothing!" Ou Jiaojiao completely lost her temper, lashing out at Zou Wenming. Under everyone's gaze, Zou Wenming's face turned red and he couldn't make a peep.

Fortunately, at this moment, everyone's attention was focused on Zhou Peng, who was still speaking animatedly.

Just then, a police officer with a strange expression on his face came up from behind Wei Qinghua and whispered a few words into his ear.

"Hmm?" Wei Qinghua turned his head to look at his subordinate, "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely certain!"

Wei Qinghua stomped his foot fiercely. By now, Zhou Peng had finally stopped speaking, and he stared at Wei Qinghua expectantly, saying, "Director Wei, that's the full situation, please make your judgment!"

"You deserve to die!" Wei Qinghua suddenly slapped him.

All that could be heard was a "smack," and Zhou Peng was spun around like a top from the slap!