Chapter 15: Achieved a Great Feat! [Vote for Recommendation]

In the yard of the local government, there was a sudden, dramatic change in the situation.

Zhou Peng received a heavy slap from Deputy Director Wei. He was totally dumbfounded and had no idea why this was happening.

The onlookers were also scratching their heads in confusion. However, seeing Zhou Peng being slapped, most felt a sense of relief—not because of Pang Feng's arrest, but because of Wang Er. The Wang family was a prominent clan in Wugai Town and many of the onlookers were relatives of Wang Er's family.

The trouble Wang Er had encountered was because of Zhou Peng, so naturally, they took pleasure in Zhou Peng's misfortune.

"Great!" someone shouted, and soon cheers erupted from all around, making Zhou Peng's face even more unsightly.