Chapter 16 Jin Zhidong Explodes!

All the people from the health clinic had left for the town government to watch the excitement, with only the pharmacy's Sister Zhang, Zhang Guiqing, still steadfastly holding her post.

Jin Zhidong walked out of his office, his eyes bloodshot, his complexion extremely grim.

"Sister Zhang, have you seen Sister Liu?" Jin Zhidong's voice was very hoarse.

"Ah…" Zhang Guiqing jumped in fright, shaking her head repeatedly, "No, I haven't… seen her…"

Jin Zhidong's hands shook violently, the dark aura on his face becoming even more pronounced.

He hurried back home. The door was open, yet it was deserted. Jin Zhidong's body trembled even more fiercely, like he had completely lost control, as he yelled, "Liu Jinzhi, Liu Jinzhi, where are you, Liu Jinzhi…"

"What are you yelling about? Your old lady isn't dead yet. It looks like you're the one who's lost your soul!" Liu Jinzhi stood at the doorstep, saying coldly out of nowhere.