Chapter 20 Can't bear it any longer!

Gu Yanan was in high spirits as she squinted at Pang Feng and said with a grin, "Pang Feng, you sure are popular with the ladies! Just now, so many girls seemed to be revolving around you!"

Pang Feng chuckled awkwardly and replied, "Sister Gu, don't make fun of me. By the way, I heard you're the new town secretary of Wugai Town. You're really something, to become a town secretary at such a young age!"

"It was Deputy Director Wei from the Public Security Bureau who told you, right? I don't know how to begin describing Old Wei. I came here to take up my post in high spirits, but almost ended up in a huge disaster. If you hadn't bravely saved me that day, it would have been unthinkable. I'll spare the overly grateful words; from now on, I'll just consider you as my brother.