Chapter 19: A beautiful woman is looking!

At the WuGai Health Clinic, work had finally returned to normal, but the only change was that Pang Feng's status was now incomparably higher than it had been before.

Before, Zou Wenming was the most active one when the colleagues gathered, but now Pang Feng had become the most popular person in everyone's eyes, especially in the nurses' office where a group of female nurses were very enthusiastic towards him.

Ding Fang, without a doubt, was the most enthusiastic among them. After Wen Xuebing's misdeeds were exposed, and Jin Zhidong returned to sort out Wen Xuebing's work, he immediately approved Ding Fang's application to become a regular employee.

Having become a formal staff member and with her lover becoming a hero for his righteous act, one good thing after another kept coming her way. How could she not be in a good mood?

"Hey, Sister Liu is here!"