Chapter 94 Too Arrogant!

The Japanese man with a goatee exuded an air of extreme pride as he stood up and bowed to Master Yuan Yi and Xie Mingjun, speaking in very rudimentary Mandarin:

"I am Shibuya, who admires the Martial Path of Huaxia. Today, I have come bearing significant gifts. Firstly, to visit the esteemed individuals of Huaxia, and secondly... to also witness and experience the Martial Path of Huaxia!"

"Please look at this, esteemed sirs, this object originally belongs to Huaxia!" Shibuya opened the noble and simple casket to reveal a dark longsword inside, which emitted a crystalline yellow light that flickered like fireflies.

Xie Mingjun and Master Yuan Yi both stood up at the same time, their eyes fixated on the ancient sword inside the casket as they exclaimed in unison, "Ah..."

The two exchanged a swift glance and saw the shock in each other's eyes.