Chapter 95: Pang Feng Takes Action

The atmosphere on the villa's lawn was tense and oppressive, suffocating even!

"Wow! Haha, your kung fu is no good, no good at all. I only needed one hand to knock you down, haha!" A Japanese martial artist stood over a young man, his nostrils flaring with pride as he brandished his fist arrogantly, his aggressiveness extremely pronounced.

This was already Shibuya's third victory. Fan City had lost three matches in a row, and Mr. Xie Sr. had staked three precious Genius Earth Treasures. There was no suspense in the three matches; Shibuya's side was extraordinarily powerful.

Mr. Xie Sr. even felt that even if he entered the fray himself, he might not gain the upper hand against Shibuya's subordinates, and as for Shibuya himself, his cultivation base could be even higher. The prospects for Fan City were looking bleak.