Chapter 144: Pass on a message for me!

Tu Tiejun had fought his way to his current position, blade and gun in hand through a sea of adversaries, and he had witnessed many scenes of life and death, understanding well that in moments of crisis, instantaneous decisiveness in killing was what one relied on.

The small remote in Tu Tiejun's hand was something used by bouncers to deal with cheaters in gambling dens.

Pressing the red button was the equivalent of smashing a cup on the table as a signal; his brothers, who were lying in ambush around, would receive the signal and strike together, attacking the enemy with the force of thunder that didn't even give them the chance to cover their ears. This was one of Tu Tiejun's proudest tactics.

Today, Tu Tiejun had used this device to notify his brothers outside in time. As his armed brothers stormed in, he felt an immense sense of satisfaction, and was also very proud of himself.