Chapter 143 Coming to Kill【Second Update】

Triumph Nightclub is one of the top clubs in Flower City's Liping District, and it's also the biggest venue covered by Brother Tiger. Brother Tiger's reputation in Flower City largely stems from his association with Triumph Nightclub.

Brother Tiger's real name is Tu Tiejun—he has the word "Tiger" in his nickname, but in fact, he looks very cultured. Normally, he's dressed in a crisp suit and sports a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, appearing more like a high-level executive of a large company.

Of course, when Brother Tiger removes his glasses, the unrestrained ferocity between his eyebrows is unmistakably exposed.

Yan Yuan was very excited today. He had spent a lot of money to enlist Brother Tiger's support, initially to deal with that young man at the train station. Unexpectedly, that kid slipped away faster than an eel, and despite a city-wide search, Brother Tiger couldn't find any trace of him.